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[WIP]Unnamed Sci-Fi sidescroller shooter

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2012 6:33 pm
by Ubermann
This is what I'm doing. Still in pretty early development status, so don't expect to have a (full) playable game.
This demo ONLY has 4 or 5 waves to show you the actual enemies movements types.
Scroll down for actual features, TODO and so on.

Uhmm... And ESCAPE key leaves app.
hkBnG.png (122.42 KiB) Viewed 192 times

It's a gothic-scifi-bulletfest sidescrolling shooter.
Gothic because graphics will be dark, bloodish and a bit chaotic, with bones, skulls and spines.
Scifi because it will have space ships, hightech, metal planks, lasers and and screws.
Bulletfest because it will have A LOT of enemies, missiles lasers and objects in screen.
Sidescrolling and shooter is because it will be a isometric game which aim is to feed your virtual pet . ( ? )

Also I need some C00L name for it. Anyone with imagination here?
And I need some cool free scifi scrollable backgrounds, if possible, 2000x768 or bigger width so repetition is not that annoying.

- Screen Size fixed to 1024x768, although you can use any other res. The only problem right now is the backgrounds scaling not implemented.
- Up to three scrolling backgrounds for depth of field effect
- Backgrounds dimensions not hardcoded. You can use whatever background width and it will tile perfect.
- Adjustable backgrounds speed and depth of field reduction (right now you need to adjust it via code changing speed variable, but the method is already done)
- Smooth player ship movement, allowing diagonal movement using two arrow keys
- Shooting speed adjustable during runtime
- Projectiles speed adjustable during runtime
- Enemies types not hardcoded.
- Enemies defined by different parameter: sprite, speed, initial x pos, initial y pos, behavior, and so on
- Up to 6 different enemies movement types (will be more): linear movement, zig zag, go to X then return, follow player, keep on rear and move on Y axis, keep on rear and track player Y position, linear movement with speed = background speed...
- Maps not hardcoded. Used a plain text file for maps for easy editing
- Maps use a "trigger by distance" method: when the map "travels" the specified distance, enemies will be summoned with specified parameters.
- Collisions by AABBs. May and will probably change in future version
- Enemies already have health and can be damaged by shooting them
- Probably something else I forgot.

- Enemies attacks
- Player stats. Probably redone player actual stats to a more elegant way
- Game HUD
- Pickable items, inventory, shop system, points for killing, etc.
- Error handling (I was lazy to do it before)
- Game menu
- Better collision detection. Needs testing, but actual method could cause serious slowdowns when many objects are created
- Trigger Map special events
- 90% of game art!!!!
- 100% game maps!!!
- A lot of things to fix and tweak
- Go supermarket buy beer, hamburgers and toilet paper.


Re: [WIP]Unnamed Sci-Fi sidescroller shooter

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:55 pm
by Ubermann
Sorry for inconvenience but I have just uploaded a working demo.

You can download in the attachment in the first post.

It was due to dofile( ) don't working with Löve for .lua's inside the package.

Now just changed the dofile for filesystem things and works perfect.
