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Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:23 pm
by bartoleo
Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games
with exporters in lua ... ade-easier

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:28 pm
by skn3
Hey there I am Jon, the creator of Objecty. Thanks for posting this. I am currently hard at work to try and get a demo pushed out there for people to try.

We really could do with all the support you guys can give and if you have any questions then please ask me via email, twitter, via kickstarter or on here.

To give you an idea of how the exporters can work, I recently experiemented with an MMF2 exporter. You can see a screenshot here.

This consists of only 2 files.

XML file to describe the exporter

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<exporter version="1.0">
			<format class="image">png</format>
			<language name="english">MMF2</language>
		<description><language name="english">Export the sprite sheet as a png that can be imported by mmf2 using the box mode import.</language></description>
		<setting id="hotspot" class="bool" value="1">
			<title><language name="english">Export Hotspot</language></title>
		<setting id="action_point" class="node_reference" value="0">
				<configuration id="query">node_id(${node.unique_id})/node_class(spriteFrame)/node_id(\${node.atlas_item})/node_class(hotspot)/filter_unique_attribute(id)</configuration>
				<configuration id="style">list</configuration>
				<configuration id="preview">0</configuration>
				<configuration id="can_edit">1</configuration>
				<configuration id="can_reset">1</configuration>
			<title><language name="english">Export Action Point</language></title>
		<setting id="transparent_color" class="color" value="255,0,255">
			<title><language name="english">Transparent Color</language></title>
LUA script to perform the export operation

Code: Select all

function export(animation)
	-- get some settings
	transparentR,transparentG,transparentB = Setting("transparent_color")
	hotspot = Setting("hotspot")
	actionPoint = Setting("action_point")
	-- get the frames from the animation
	frames = animation:GetChildrenWithClass("spriteFrame")
	framesTotal = #(frames)
	-- first get some layout details for frames
	frameWidth,frameHeight,frameOffsetX,frameOffsetY = animation:GetDimensions()
	-- figure out the size of the output image
	imageWidth = ((frameWidth+3) * framesTotal)+1
	imageHeight = frameHeight+4
	-- create output image
	image = CreateImage(imageWidth,imageHeight)
	-- get colors for box stuff
	if transparentR == 255 and transparentG == 255 and transparentB == 255 then
		borderR = 254
		borderG = 254
		borderB = 254
		borderR = 255
		borderG = 255
		borderB = 255
	if transparentR == 200 and transparentG == 200 and transparentB == 200 then
		pointR = 199
		pointG = 199
		pointB = 199
		pointR = 200
		pointG = 200
		pointB = 200
	-- render the frames onto the output image
	renderX = 0
	renderY = 0
	for index,frame in ipairs(frames) do
		-- get frame details
		frameCenterX,frameCenterY = frame:GetCenter()
		-- draw transparent
		-- draw the frame

		-- draw the border
		-- draw the hotspot
		if hotspot then
			hotspotX = (frameOffsetX-frameCenterX) + frameCenterX
			hotspotY = (frameOffsetY-frameCenterY) + frameCenterY
			if hotspotX >= 0 and hotspotX < frameWidth and hotspotY >= 0 and hotspotY < frameHeight then
		-- draw the action point
		if actionPoint then
			actionPointX = 3
			actionPointY = 10
			if actionPointX >= 0 and actionPointX < frameWidth and actionPointY >= 0 and actionPointY < frameHeight then
		-- move the render offset
		renderX = renderX + frameWidth + 3
	-- save the image
From this particular plugin the output would be:

This cane be imported directly into mmf2. This is still in development and I definitely want to try and support many frameworks and languages, LOVE included.



Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:28 pm
by zapaman
Seems like a neat tool. I wonder though, will it support Linux? Doing most of my dev on it nowadays.

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:40 pm
by skn3
zapaman wrote:Seems like a neat tool. I wonder though, will it support Linux? Doing most of my dev on it nowadays.
This is one of the stretch goals of the project so it is a possibility. It really depends how much interest there is. The windows version is main development, mac libraries are nearly ready but the linux libraries need to be worked on!

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:43 pm
by Nixola
I'd like it too

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:48 pm
by skn3
Nixola wrote:I'd like it too

well show you support back the project and hopefully we can push past the goal to get a linux version done. :3

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:38 pm
by Kadoba
This is a really cool idea for a tool. Animations and collision shapes are definitely way easier to do visually. How restrictive is your indie license and what would the cost be once Objecty is released?

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:53 pm
by skn3
Kadoba wrote:This is a really cool idea for a tool. Animations and collision shapes are definitely way easier to do visually. How restrictive is your indie license and what would the cost be once Objecty is released?
The indie license would essentially be a low price yearly subscription and contain all of the features of Objecty. A final price has not been decided yet for the pro or studio versions but you are getting a good price if you go with the kickstarter pricing!

Now let me just say "price" again just because I didn't say it enough in that reply already :ultrahappy:

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:42 pm
by Xgoff
>MMF2 exporter

wow that's a blast from 2008

Re: Kickstarter project to develop tools for 2d games

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:22 pm
by jjmafiae
skn3 wrote:
Kadoba wrote:This is a really cool idea for a tool. Animations and collision shapes are definitely way easier to do visually. How restrictive is your indie license and what would the cost be once Objecty is released?
The indie license would essentially be a low price yearly subscription and contain all of the features of Objecty. A final price has not been decided yet for the pro or studio versions but you are getting a good price if you go with the kickstarter pricing!

Now let me just say "price" again just because I didn't say it enough in that reply already :ultrahappy:

about prices how much will this cost? looks SO AWSOME!