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LÖVE 0.5 Mirror?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:24 am
by Dangleberries
Most projects/demos here don't work with the new 0.6 love. Is there a mirror of the stable 0.5 love somewhere?

And what are all the things I would have to change to give the old scripts some 0.6 love?

Re: LÖVE 0.5 Mirror?

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:36 pm
by Robin
Dangleberries wrote:And what are all the things I would have to change to give the old scripts some 0.6 love?
For a large list see the wiki.

Summary of most obvious ones:
  • load() -> love.load(), update(dt) -> love.update(dt) and draw() -> love.draw()
  • For strings, change to
  • String constants: usually, love.xxx_yyy -> "yyy". Keys are slightly different: love.key_slash -> "/" etc.
  • Default font: love._vera_ttf