Code: Select all
----- PointBatch
-- `PointBatch`es provide a way to access vertex buffer functionality
-- from LOVE. Specifically, they make it possible to set color and
-- texture coordinate information on a per-vertex basis. As a side-
-- effect, they can be drawn with a single call like simple shapes,
-- making them quite efficient. If it weren't obvious due to their
-- name, `PointBatch`es are similar to `SpriteBatch`es; in fact, they
-- are a superset of `SpriteBatch` functionality. They are more
-- powerful, but this comes at the cost of being more difficult to
-- use!
--- Create a new `PointBatch`.
-- Create a new `PointBatch` with the specified image and maximum
-- number of points.
-- @param image:Image Image to use. `nil` specifies no image.
-- @param maxpoints:number Maximum number of points to allow.
-- @param mode:string Draw mode of `PointBatch`. Note that this affects how many indices need to be provided for a given element! Can be "fill" (3 indices/element), "line" (2 indices/element) or "point" (1 index/element). Default is "fill". NOTE: maybe allow more eg for line strips?
-- @return PointBatch New `Pointbatch`. (image, maxpoints, mode)
--- Extended
-- Can now draw `PointBatch`es.
-- @param pb:PointBatch `PointBatch` to draw.
-- @param ...:number... The other arguments i'm too lazy to list because they haven't changed at all., ...)
----- Point Data Management
-- `PointBatche`s are not much use without points! Points can be
-- added individually or in groups via shapes. Points, along
-- with their position, also contain color and texture coordinate
-- data.
--- Add a single point to the `PointBatch`.
-- @param x:number X position of point.
-- @param y:number Y position of point.
-- @param r:number Red component of vertex color. Default is Red component of current color.
-- @param g:number Green component of vertex color. Default is Green component of current color.
-- @param b:number Blue component of vertex color. Default is Blue component of current color.
-- @param a:number Alpha component of vertex color. Default is Alpha component of current color.
-- @param s:number X position of texture coordinate. Float in range 0.0-1.0, inclusive. Default is 0.
-- @param t:number Y position of texture coordinate. Float in range 0.0-1.0, inclusive. Default is 0.
-- @return number id of added point. NOTE: Currently a number, may later become lightuserdata.
PointBatch:add (x, y, r, g, b, a, s, t)
--- TODO. For `SpriteBatch`es, this allows you to define a sprite with a `Quad` instead of the whole image.
PointBatch:addq ()
--- TODO. Only imports sprites; doesn't change the image.
PointBatch:addSpriteBatch ()
--- TODO. Only imports points and indices; doesn't change the image. Draw modes must be the same.
PointBatch:addPointBatch ()
--- Add a rectangle to the `PointBatch`.
-- Adds points and indices for a rectangle.
-- @param x:number X position of upper-left point of rectangle.
-- @param y:number Y position of upper-left point of rectangle.
-- @param w:number Width of rectangle.
-- @param h:number Height of rectangle.
-- @param ...:number...|table A list of numbers, or a table of numbers, of the ids for up to 4 points to use. Only the color and texcoord information will be used, starting at the upper-left corner and going counter-clockwise. Defaults to current color and texcoord (0, 0) for missing points.
PointBatch:addRectangle (x, y, w, h, ...)
--- Add a circle to the `PointBatch`.
-- Adds points and indices for a circle. Or regular polygons, if you have few enough points...
-- @param x:number X position of center of circle.
-- @param y:number Y position of center of circle.
-- @param r:number Radius of circle
-- @param ...:number...|table A list of numbers, or a table of numbers, of at least 3 point ids to use. Only the color and texcoord information will be used, starting at the top-most point and going counter-clockwise.
PointBatch:addCircle (x, y, r, ...)
--- Get a point from its id (see above NOTE).
-- @param id:number ID of point.
-- @return number... X, Y, R, G, B, A, S and T values of point.
PointBatch:get (id)
--- Set a point's data.
-- @param id:number ID of point.
-- @param x:number New X position of point.
-- @param y:number New Y position of point.
-- @param r:number New Red component of vertex color.
-- @param g:number New Green component of vertex color.
-- @param b:number New Blue component of vertex color.
-- @param a:number New Alpha component of vertex color.
-- @param s:number New X position of texture coordinate. Float in range 0.0-1.0, inclusive.
-- @param t:number New Y position of texture coordinate. Float in range 0.0-1.0, inclusive.
PointBatch:set (id, x, y, r, g, b, a, s, t)
--- Clear all points from PointBatch.
PointBatch:clear ()
--- Set texcoords of all points.
-- Sets the texcoords of each point to its relative position in
-- the bounding box defined by the group of all points.
PointBatch:setTexcoords ()
----- Index Management
-- Indices tell the graphics card which points actually make
-- up triangles. Points will not have any visible effect until
-- they are added to the index list. A given point can be
-- added more than once, and in fact this is necessary if you
-- want interpolation across a shape. This is advanced
-- functionality, so it is recommended to use the basic shapes
-- unless you really need this flexibility.
--- Add one or more indices to the index list.
-- Indices are used in conjunction with `GL_TRIANGLES`, `GL_LINES`,
-- or `GL_POINTS`, depending on the `PointBatch`'s draw mode.
-- @param ...:number...|table A list of or a table containing point ids.
PointBatch:addIndices (...)
--- Get a table containing the index list entries.
PointBatch:getIndices ()
--- Clear all indices.
PointBatch:clearIndices ()
--- Get draw mode.
-- The draw mode specifies how the `PointBatch` should be drawn.
-- The draw mode cannot be changed, as a set of indices are
-- only meaningful for one draw mode type.
-- @return string Draw mode of this `PointBatch`.
PointBatch:getDrawMode ()
----- Image Management
--- Set the current `PointBatch` image, or remove it by passing `nil`.
-- @param image:Image New image to use.
PointBatch:setImage (image)
--- Get the current `PointBatch` image, or nil if none.
-- @return Image Current image.
PointBatch:getImage ()
----- Binding/Unbinding
-- These work exactly like they do in `SpriteBatche`s: `bind`
-- causes further modifications to the `PointBatch`'s GPU data
-- to be delayed until a matching call to `unbind`. This is
-- recommended if you will be performing a lot of updates in
-- a short time (eg. adding points in a loop).
--- Bind `PointBatch` and delay updates to GPU.
-- Note: changes will not be visible until `unbind` is called!
PointBatch:bind ()
--- Unbind `PointBatch` and send updates to GPU.
PointBatch:unbind ()