a little confusion with graphics.point , line, rectangle...
Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:45 pm
Hi there,
lately I tried drawing some lines and the result really surprised me (maybe "confused" me would be better)
I made a line using graphics.point command and it couldn't draw pixel in x = 599 - that value always put pixel on x = 588
After some "digging" I found a note saying something about pixels grid offset (0.5) so i shifted each X value by 0.5 and that solved the problem - well.. not quiet.
Then I checked another commands like line and rectangle and now I'm lost.
pls check the following couple of lines:
it draws set of:
2 lines made from graphisc.point (top line not shifted by 0.5 and the bottom one shifted)
2 rectangles "line" using graphics.rectangle (one shifted, other one not)
2 rectangles "fill" using graphics.rectangle (one shifted, other one not)
2 lines usig graphics.line (one shifted, one not)
then it repeats that set twice - each time moved a little bit more on X axis:
set 1: is drawn to the left of X = 599 - it means none of its components will reach X = 599
set 2: is drawn a liitle to the left and little to the right of x = 599 - it means it "includes" x = 599
set 3: is drawn to the right of X = 599 - so like set 1 but is drawn from other side
The only way to see what I'm talking about is to make a screen shot of results of above code and put it in some graphics application then zoom in the area with shapes (these are EXACTLY the same commands with EXACTLY the same parameters but the results are COMPLETELY different)
I'd like to know if it is normal behaviour ( I expected something else) or I'm doing something wrong
lately I tried drawing some lines and the result really surprised me (maybe "confused" me would be better)
I made a line using graphics.point command and it couldn't draw pixel in x = 599 - that value always put pixel on x = 588
After some "digging" I found a note saying something about pixels grid offset (0.5) so i shifted each X value by 0.5 and that solved the problem - well.. not quiet.
Then I checked another commands like line and rectangle and now I'm lost.
pls check the following couple of lines:
Code: Select all
function love.load()
love.graphics.setLine(1, "rough")
love.graphics.setPoint(1, "rough")
function love.keypressed(key, code)
if key == "escape" then return love.event.push("quit") end
function love.draw()
n = 1
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
for x = 560, 640, 30 do
y = 0.5
for xx = x, x + 20 do
love.graphics.point(xx, y + 3) -- not shifted
love.graphics.point(xx + 0.5, y + 5) -- shifted
love.graphics.rectangle("line", x, y + 10, 20, 5) -- not shifted
love.graphics.rectangle("line", x + 0.5, y + 18, 20, 5) -- shifted
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x, y + 30, 20, 5) -- not shifted
love.graphics.rectangle("fill", x + 0.5, y + 38, 20, 5) -- shifted
love.graphics.line( x, y + 50, x + 20, y + 50) -- not shifted
love.graphics.line( x + 0.5, y + 52, x + 20 + 0.5, y + 52) -- shifted
love.graphics.print(n, x+5, y + 60)
n = n + 1
2 lines made from graphisc.point (top line not shifted by 0.5 and the bottom one shifted)
2 rectangles "line" using graphics.rectangle (one shifted, other one not)
2 rectangles "fill" using graphics.rectangle (one shifted, other one not)
2 lines usig graphics.line (one shifted, one not)
then it repeats that set twice - each time moved a little bit more on X axis:
set 1: is drawn to the left of X = 599 - it means none of its components will reach X = 599
set 2: is drawn a liitle to the left and little to the right of x = 599 - it means it "includes" x = 599
set 3: is drawn to the right of X = 599 - so like set 1 but is drawn from other side
The only way to see what I'm talking about is to make a screen shot of results of above code and put it in some graphics application then zoom in the area with shapes (these are EXACTLY the same commands with EXACTLY the same parameters but the results are COMPLETELY different)
I'd like to know if it is normal behaviour ( I expected something else) or I'm doing something wrong