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Love Editor

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:19 pm
by qaisjp
Love Editorwhy is there no [center] :/
Hello, I'd like to explain my project - Love Editor. It will be an IDE built in LOVE for LOVERS integrated with popular libraries.
  • GitHub (and eventually Git) integration/support
  • Library support. You don't have to download them with the release, you can browse them "ingame" and download them off of github and add it to your project.
  • Project management with asset and audio previewing.
  • Full Syntax highlighted editor
  • Automatic indentation
  • Functionlist with hinting, arguments and description
  • Undo and redo
  • F3: Parse Script
  • F4: Switch FileMode / ScriptMode
  • F5: Advanced Configurations
  • F6: Open The Workflow (secret feature :P)
  • F11: Fullscreen toggle
Editor Controls:
  • Ctrl+p: Paste GUI
  • Ctrl+f: Find & Replace
  • Alt+f: Find Next
  • Ctrl+s: Save current session
  • Ctrl+x: Close session
tSQUs.png (37.93 KiB) Viewed 415 times
(my mouse is there, but prntscrn hid it)

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:00 pm
by josefnpat
I think you forgot to post the .love :)

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:04 pm
by qaisjp
josefnpat wrote:I think you forgot to post the .love :)
Nope, it's just a development topic, I haven't finished it yet. :P

New feature planned, check the feature list!

Or not..
GitHub integration!

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:50 pm
by Tesselode
So...will you be the first to finish your Love IDE?

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:29 pm
by Qcode
Finally made in Love! There's way too many IDE's that don't have Mac support. I'll be looking forward to this.

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 10:56 pm
by jonyzz
Wow, having IDE for LÖVE would be great, but I don't think it's a good idea to implement it in LÖVE. LÖVE is a framework for developing 2d games, not GUI aplications, though I've seen a few good GUI libraries for it. I noticed your recent topics (filebrowser, multiple windows, resizing) and I think you should consider using some GUI toolkit which would save you a lot of work.

There is lua binding for the Qt toolkit. I used this framework in a few projects and I have to say it's really powerfull: However, I used it with C++, so I am not sure if the lua binding is usable, but it's worth a try.
Anyway, good luck with the project ;).

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:10 am
by Roland_Yonaba
jonyzz wrote:Wow
I second that.

Well, I'll be keeping an eye on this, those features seems awesome.
What's completed so far ?
The Git integration feature just leaves me perplexed...But wait and see.

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:12 am
by qaisjp
Thanks for all your responses! Check out the main post for an update!
jonyzz wrote:Wow, having IDE for LÖVE would be great, but I don't think it's a good idea to implement it in LÖVE. LÖVE is a framework for developing 2d games, not GUI aplications, though I've seen a few good GUI libraries for it. I noticed your recent topics (filebrowser, multiple windows, resizing) and I think you should consider using some GUI toolkit which would save you a lot of work.

There is lua binding for the Qt toolkit. I used this framework in a few projects and I have to say it's really powerfull: However, I used it with C++, so I am not sure if the lua binding is usable, but it's worth a try.
Anyway, good luck with the project ;).
I have used QT Designer to design gui's (which in turn converts the .xml to .lua - but that was for another game) so it should be useful. Lua binding, eh - I'll check it out.

Those three topics you mentioned was indeed for Love editor, but resizing was to resize the main window (as well as multiple windows, for creating multiple windows that you can draw to)

The reason I implement it with Love is because I don't know much C++, can't compile (crap PC) and because I just Love Lua. Thanks for the links though, I'll check it out :)

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:13 am
by coffee
It's always funny to watch that kind of future projects that already have precisely defined keys but yet really didn't understood in what is getting on. Since you say this is will be done in LOVE I sure you will not have fun at all doing this and this will waste your time from now on. A framework with very basic native support for text display and no rich text editing. There isn't yet also a bullet-proof finished library for easily help do it. I'm sure indentation, colored syntax highlighting will be not done snapping your fingers. Right. Your intention is nice but basically you doing this with the wrong tool.

Re: Love Editor

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:16 am
by qaisjp
The hardest part is the file-browser so that people can open existing projects FROM OUTSIDE THE APPDATA DIRECTORY, should I just let it open projects created by the editor (it should be possible if they provide the full path, but that's just messy - gui ftw)
coffee wrote:It's always funny to watch that kind of future projects that already have already precisely defined keys but yet really didn't understood in what is getting on. Since you say this is will be done in LOVE I sure you will not have fun at all doing this and this will waste your time from now on. A framework with very basic native support for text display and no rich text editing. There isn't yet also a bullet-proof finished library for easily do it. I'm sure indentation, colored syntax highlighting will be done snapping your fingers. Right. Your intention is nice but basically you doing this with the wrong tool. ... -28-58.png
This was done in a 3D game multiplayer modification using the update and draw functions (it wasn't called update and draw, but understood as that)
I saw that being made from scratch up (I gave him ideas and saw him make it in his server) - I can say that it is possible from within Love.