I would like to present my newly released library libxml. The code was ripped from, and slightly re-factored for more strict XML use from my other ongoing project LURE. The library is the first incarnation to allow lovers to load, save, and traverse XML documents using standard XML DOM interfaces. Let me show you some examples:
XML Document:
Code: Select all
<player name="Player1">
<location xPos="100" yPos="200"/>
<item type="weapon" class="rifle" />
<item type="ammo" class="rifle" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<player name="Player2">
<location xPos="500" yPos="200"/>
<item type="weapon" class="pistol" />
<item type="ammo" class="pistol" />
<item type="healthpack" />
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function love.load()
require "libxml//libxml"
xmldoc = libxml.load("player.xml")
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function love.load()
require "libxml//libxml"
xmldoc = libxml.load("player.xml")
--OUTPUT: Player1
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function love.load()
require "libxml//libxml"
xmldoc = libxml.load("player.xml")
newPlayer = xmldoc.createElement("player")
newPlayer.setAttribute("name", "player3")
newItem = xmldoc.createElement("item")
newItem.setAttribute("type", "healthpack")
Code: Select all
function love.load()
require "libxml//libxml"
xmldoc = libxml.load("player.xml")
newPlayer = xmldoc.createElement("player")
newPlayer.setAttribute("name", "player3")
newItem = xmldoc.createElement("item")
newItem.setAttribute("type", "healthpack")
newItem.isSelfClosing = true
libxml.save(xmldoc, "player-new.xml")
Code: Select all
<player name="Player1">
<location xPos="100" yPos="200" />
<item type="weapon" class="rifle" />
<item type="ammo" class="rifle" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<player name="Player2">
<location xPos="500" yPos="200" />
<item type="weapon" class="pistol" />
<item type="ammo" class="pistol" />
<item type="healthpack" />
<player name="player3">
<item type="healthpack" />
Code: Select all
function love.load()
require "libxml//libxml"
xmldoc = libxml.load("player.xml")
print( xmldoc.players.player[2].getAttribute("name") )
--OUTPUT: Player 2
print( xmldoc.players.player[2].location.getAttribute("xPos") )
--OUTPUT: 500
print( xmldoc.players.player[2].item[2].getAttribute("type") )
--OUTPUT: healthpack
- - Does not understand XML Namespaces
- Does not parse document <? xml ?> tags yet
- Does not parse document processing instructions
- Does not have XPath capabilities yet
- The parser is non-validating, so you must ensure your xml structure is proper
- Everything including node tagNames are case-sensative
- Does not expand entity references