I need to make an image strip like this. My files are named 0001.png, 0002.png etc. A stacked strip like this is definitely preferred, not a straight strip.
I also need transparency preserved. I haven't found anything that does this for free, and I might be testing many, many animations (making slight changes etc)
I've been using Paint.NET but that's way too time consuming. Does anybody know of a program that does this free?
Last edited by retrotails on Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
retrotails wrote:I need to make an image strip like this. My files are named 0001.png, 0002.png etc. A stacked strip like this is definitely preferred, not a straight strip.
I also need transparency preserved. I haven't found anything that does this for free, and I might be testing many, many animations (making slight changes etc)
I've been using Paint.NET but that's way too time consuming. Does anybody know of a program that does this free?
it probably wouldn't be all that difficult to do something like this in LOVE itself
1. decide how many horizontal tiles you want, then create an imagedata "sheetdata" with width = NHORIZONTAL * TILEWIDTH and height = ceil(NIMAGES / NHORIZONTAL)
2. run a (0-based) loop for the number of images you have that loads each image based on the loopindex (plus 1, apparently) and pastes its data into the sheetdata imagedata at x = (TILEWIDTH * loopindex) % NHORIZONTAL and y = TILEHEIGHT * floor(loopindex / (NHORIZONTAL - 1))
3. save out the imagedata into a new image file
4. ???
retrotails wrote:Summon a beach, I've got to compile it from source for PNGs?
I'm not sure. You might want to search around or ask on their support forum.
Make sure you downloaded the "static" version. I ran the Windows version (ImageMagick-6.7.9-2-Q8-windows-static.exe) via Wine (Linux) and it ran fine with png's. The static version ships with PNG support. You can run 'montage -list format' to get a list of supported formats.
Last edited by the_leg on Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
You could probably do this with an automated task in Photoshop. Mind you, that isn't free. Does gimp have automated tasks?
Do you recognise when the world won't stop for you? Or when the days don't care what you've got to do? When the weight's too tough to lift up, what do you? Don't let them choose for you, that's on you.
You could actually just do this manually. It would be a little time consuming, but any program with a pixel grid (like Paint.NET) would make this pretty trivial.
Yes, via batch mode, e.g. 'gimp -i -b '(command-to-run-here)'. You can use GIMP to do the image strip as well, but it's not built-in. You'd have to write the script yourself, or find a pre-made one.
Goat tits, (got it) on Linux at least. Since I've just moved my server to Linux (it shares the files with Winblows) I think I'll stay on it. I wish it told me when it needed more permissions, I didn't know I have to be root to modify /media/OS. Anyway, thanks.