Build Love on PowerPC - MintPPC 9.3
Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:31 am
Hello Everyone -
I just got Love 0.8.0 to build successfully on my MintPPC g4 powerbook system. Here is how I did it:
Clone the love repository from Bitbucket
Install love dependencies:
I am not sure if this next step is neccessary - but I ran it and it worked for me...
Run the get-libs script in <LOVE_SRC>/platform/unix:
There is a macro called AM_PROG_AR defined in that initially causes love 0.8.0 to fail to build. This can be fixed by commenting out a line in the file.
cd to the love source directory and comment out line #9 in platform/unix/
Now build it:
Have fun spreading the love on powerpc!
Note: if you are running the unstable MintPPC 11 you can just install Love 0.8.0 with apt. I think these instructions will work similarly on Debian Squeeze based systems...
I just got Love 0.8.0 to build successfully on my MintPPC g4 powerbook system. Here is how I did it:
Clone the love repository from Bitbucket
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hg clone
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sudo apt-get build-dep love
Run the get-libs script in <LOVE_SRC>/platform/unix:
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cd <LOVE_SRC>/platform/unix
chmod +x get-libs
cd to the love source directory and comment out line #9 in platform/unix/
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Note: if you are running the unstable MintPPC 11 you can just install Love 0.8.0 with apt. I think these instructions will work similarly on Debian Squeeze based systems...