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Build Love on PowerPC - MintPPC 9.3

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 4:31 am
by JDFight
Hello Everyone -

I just got Love 0.8.0 to build successfully on my MintPPC g4 powerbook system. Here is how I did it:

Clone the love repository from Bitbucket

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hg clone
Install love dependencies:

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sudo apt-get build-dep love
I am not sure if this next step is neccessary - but I ran it and it worked for me...
Run the get-libs script in <LOVE_SRC>/platform/unix:

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cd <LOVE_SRC>/platform/unix
chmod +x get-libs
There is a macro called AM_PROG_AR defined in that initially causes love 0.8.0 to fail to build. This can be fixed by commenting out a line in the file.

cd to the love source directory and comment out line #9 in platform/unix/

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Now build it:

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Have fun spreading the love on powerpc!

Note: if you are running the unstable MintPPC 11 you can just install Love 0.8.0 with apt. I think these instructions will work similarly on Debian Squeeze based systems...

Re: Build Love on PowerPC - MintPPC 9.3

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:07 am
by bartbes
JDFight wrote: cd to the love source directory and comment out line #9 in platform/unix/

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I'm pretty sure that was necessary, perhaps you just didn't have the right tool installed?

Re: Build Love on PowerPC - MintPPC 9.3

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:26 pm
by JDFight
Hmmm - Sorry about that, If it is neccessary, then I don't want to give bad advice....The AM_PROG_AR has something to do with automake. If it is not defined, then older versions of automake fail. My assumption in commenting it out was that if it was not defined, then it was not being used. I am using the automake that came with my system distribution which is based on Debian Squeeze.

The most I could find about the macros is here: ... acros.html :

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    You must use this macro when you use the archiver in your project, if you want support for unusual archivers such as Microsoft lib. The content of the optional argument is executed if the archiver interface is not recognized; the default action is to abort configure with an error message. 
Here a couple more links I found related to AM_PROG_AR:

Is this a critical component of Love? Is my build incomplete?

I will try again later with a new version of automake and see if the bug goes away - Thanks!

Re: Build Love on PowerPC - MintPPC 9.3

Posted: Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:12 am
by bartbes
Well, I had to add it because it wouldn't compile otherwise, if it compiled, it's probably fine, then.