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Post by SimonLarsen »

Sienna is a one-button platformer I've been developing on and off for the past couple of weeks. I liked the simplicity of IYFCT and thought I'd try and take it to the extreme with a focus on speed, memorization and having a natural flow in the levels.

The game has so many design issues I don't even know where to start, but it's still somewhat fun, albeit frustrating, and I learned a lot in the process so it wasn't just a waste of time.

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Gameplay video

Downloads How to play
  • Press space to jump or wall jump when touching a wall.
    The longer you hold the button the higher you jump. It will often be necessary to press the button for only a splitsecond.
  • Press R to restart from last checkpoint (counts as a death).
  • Press return to restart from the beginning of the level.
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Re: Sienna

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

My gosh!
I love it! It runs perfectly, no lags.
That's definitely a quite complete game.

Well, I didn't experience any of the issues you've been speaking of. What are they ?
There's something I dislike, though. When the cat starts running backwards after I miss a jump wall, and I can't change the direction he's heading to.
Guess it's part of the gameplay, though.

Once again, amazing job!
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Re: Sienna

Post by Santos »

I love this! :awesome:

The aesthetics and the level design are superb, and I found the gameplay really really really fun.

I love that feeling when you try to get past some part again and again, and then when you finally manage to do it, you die one second later from the next thing. "AAAARGH, I FORGOT THOSE DOGS JUMPED!" :ultraglee:

I really like how the silhouettes stay until you start running again too, a very nice touch. And the music is fantastic!
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Re: Sienna

Post by raen79 »

This is absolutely awesome
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Re: Sienna

Post by Roland_Yonaba »


Well, some possible add-ons, features. Feel free to take them into account or not :
  • Add markers for checkpoints so that we can know for sure where the next saving point is...
  • A kind of progress bar, to know how far we are in the current level...
  • Slow-motion feature. Like in PoP. It doesn't have to be triggered when pressing down a key, but on some specific events. For instance, on a jump wall event, imagine the game rate automatically triggers to slow-motion for a certain time, with a camera zoom. That would be super super fun. :ultrahappy:
  • When the player dies (falling in lava, or colliding with an entity) why not playing a creepy yell sound ? Meeeoooowwww :rofl:
  • Plus, at this very moment, the camera doesn't have to shift to the last checkpoint, maybe you can make it slide back to that location ?
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Re: Sienna

Post by Tesselode »

Woah, a finished and polished game in Love! Those don't come around nearly often enough.

I will leave more feedback when I play this more! But first, is there any visual indication of checkpoints?
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Re: Sienna

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

It seems not.
I already mentionned this as a possible improvement to make.
Roland_Yonaba wrote:Add markers for checkpoints so that we can know for sure where the next saving point is...
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Re: Sienna

Post by Santos »

I may be misunderstanding what you're both meaning, but you realise the blue orb things are checkpoints right? :)
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Re: Sienna

Post by SimonLarsen »

Thanks for the kind words guys. I appreciate it. :awesome:
Santos wrote:I really like how the silhouettes stay until you start running again too, a very nice touch. And the music is fantastic!
In case you haven't checked the credits, the music is by a guy called Rugar.
You can download his album here:

And yes, Santos is right, the blue orbs are checkpoints:
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Roland_Yonaba wrote:Well, some possible add-ons, features. Feel free to take them into account or not :
Thanks for the suggestions. I was actually working on adding automatic slow motion but it felt it got annoying pretty quickly and decided to leave it out.
Could you explain what you mean by:
Plus, at this very moment, the camera doesn't have to shift to the last checkpoint, maybe you can make it slide back to that location ?
Last edited by SimonLarsen on Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sienna

Post by Roland_Yonaba »

Santos wrote:I may be misunderstanding what you're both meaning, but you realise the blue orb things are checkpoints right? :)
Gee...Silly me. I didn't figure it out. Though it was quit obvious.
SimonLarsen wrote:Could you explain what you mean [...]
Well, in your code, when you detect collision between the player (kitty kat) and lava, spikes, ennemies, or whatever, you trigger player:kill() method, then player:respawn().

I don't know how you handle the camera - it must be AdvTiledLoader which does, i guess -, so when the player respawns, his coordinates are automatically set to the last checkpoint, and the camera is then centered on the player.
My point was, to make it more nice looking (and fuuun), when the player dies, make the camera rollback (instead of "teleporting") to the last checkpoint, then respawn, before continue.

Hope it made it clear. Still have a bad english.... :ehem:
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