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PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:39 pm
by raen79
Hey guys, today, I am presenting you a game I have been working on for the past few weeks. As you would have probably imagined, the game is named PauZ (pronounced pawz). It stands for Platform Action Puzzle.

The title is a perfect reflection of the game's contents. Although I do not want to reveal too much about the game and it's story yet, I can tell you the simple concept. You are a character without colors in a world without colors. The only colors your character has ever seen are in the sky and on his ennemies, you will be on a quest to find out how the world has lost it's colors :). The ending of the game will contain a shocking, but rather interesting revelation.

So there will be two demos released, one today and another one at Christmas, I am hoping to be able to release the final game in March 2013. So here is the demo, and a screenshot ;)

All of the download links:

My Blog:

(sorry for the lag, it is because of fraps recording ;))


All of the download links:

My Blog:

EDIT: Hey guys, there were a lot of bugs in the old version of the demo and I pretty much fixed all of them, if you find any other, please tell. Also tell me wheteher you like the game or not, I really want to know.

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:14 pm
by Tesselode
The graphics are looking pretty snazzy there!

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:16 pm
by raen79
Thank you very much :)

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:49 pm
by raen79
Up? I really want feedback because I am kind of scared that the game is not that great? :(

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:17 pm
by Roland_Yonaba
Gee, I hate you.
Err.. nah, not exactly. Fact is, I downloaded 30 mb and find out that it isn't working because of the use of Canvas.
Why not add a check for Canvas in the code, and simply make the game quit when this check yields false ? Unless provide a canvas-free version ?
I like the graphics, though.

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:32 pm
by raen79
I did not know about isSupported haha :) But I just reuploaded the files like 15 times because I needed to do little ajustments so I think I won't be adding the feature right now. Anyway, thank you for your comment :)

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:38 pm
by dreadkillz
Here's some feedback:

The sprite spazzes out if I hold space on the ladder. For some reason, I slowed down to walking animation/speed on the second lever before the end of the demo. . Nothing else weird that I noticed.

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:53 pm
by raen79
Hey guys, there were a lot of bugs in the old version of the demo and I pretty much fixed all of them, if you find any other, please tell. Also tell me wheteher you like the game or not, I really want to know.

Also, I uploaded a playthrough for people who have a problem finishing the demo. Sorry for the lag, it is because of fraps recording.

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2012 8:55 pm
by raen79
I know I might sound naggy, but I really need to get some feedback on the NEW version of the demo because I need to know if there are any bugs, how the game feels to you guys, and if you even like it.

Re: PauZ [Demo] - Platform Action Puzzle

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:01 pm
by g-ho4
I've just finished the demo!
I love the atmosphere of your game (graphics and music), i'm sure that with more content the game can easily become really addictive :crazy:

Hmm i took so much time understanding how to climb the ladder in the tuto that i wanted to look for help in the menu i didn't find anything for my ladder problem^^ Only a bug while pressing Restart on my computer (it freezes the game).