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My First Game, Snake

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:55 pm
by awhite92
hi, so i found this amazing 2D game engin, and fell in love. saw a video on a beautiful snake game viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2841&hilit=snayke cant wait for it to come out :crazy:

but it inspired me, to make my own for my first project.
its an unlimited style game, no maps, it only speeds up.
so here it is, it took about a week for the first version.

when you play it, press "`" to show the debug info, if you would please tell me your FPS :D its a bit heavy, that's why its difficulty is so hard.
screenshots are kinda blurry, sorry ^^ they are hosted on my G+

the snake is drawn with

Code: Select all
, but the glow is an image.
the food block is an image as well, makes it a lot easier to rotate.
and to make the glow so pretty, im using

Code: Select all"additive")
try it out! have fun! and let me know what you think!
btw this my first post..

• added level status (every 10 food you would "level up", now you know what level you are)
• tweaked how snake and food is drawn
• prevented food from spawning on outer wall
• turned off v-sync so people can tell me their FPS


Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:52 am
by hoangdung
My girlfriend likes the pink color :), she is really like this
Thanks for this

Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:45 pm
by awhite92
im glad someone liked it lol im not getting a lot of feed back. is that normal for this forum? lol

Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:49 pm
by Jack
I really like the font & tile style. The gameplay is pretty standard to Snake, but great job on the graphics. I get 60 fps, so I'm assuming you are using some kind of FPS lock or v-sync.

Great job.

Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:06 pm
by Tesselode
The game has had some unofficial releases, and you just did a pretty good recreation of it. Nice job!

Can you make the snake's movement a little smoother?

Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 4:39 pm
by awhite92
Jack wrote:I get 60 fps, so I'm assuming you are using some kind of FPS lock or v-sync.
i think it has to do with the graphic drivers/card. mine stays around 400 fps for the first 5 or so levels, then it slowly drops. I've tested it on a handful on machines and some of them have been locked at 60fps. altho i do have v-sync on, so that mite be why. but like i said this is my first game, and i like to go all out, it took about a week of programming. i didnt know anything about Lua, cuz i normally program in c#.
Jack wrote:I really like the font & tile style .... great job on the graphics...
Tesselode wrote:The game has had some unofficial releases, and you just did a pretty good recreation of it. Nice job!
thanks guys, im really glad ya'll are liking it :D
and btw, im not trying to "recreation" it per-say, i really used it as inspiration. i know it looks very similar, so im not taking credit for the design or anything lol.
we can call it more of a clone i guess, but its not going to be to the same extent (levels, multi-player, networking; i think, etc) just wanting it to be a unlimited style play
Tesselode wrote:Can you make the snake's movement a little smoother?
hm, i did notice in their game that it smoothly moved from block to block, but i don't know where to start with that, but i will see.


Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 5:27 pm
by awhite92
see first post for details.


Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:00 pm
by Lafolie
I'm getting > 360fps on my lesser gpu. This is pretty slick for a first project, keep it up.

Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:20 am
by awhite92
Lafolie wrote:I'm getting > 360fps on my lesser gpu. This is pretty slick for a first project, keep it up.
that's good :D i was wandering how it would be on other PCs, and thanks :D i will and i am!

Re: My First Game, Snake

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 2:34 am
by Roland_Yonaba
I do love the graphics. Sweet, smooth, nice looking.
For a first attempt at making a game, perfect.
Keep up the good job.