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Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:46 am
by glitchapp
Any idea how to apply distortion effects with shaders to simulate underwater settings? if there is some kind of shaders that simulate caustic effects too that would be amazing. Thanks!

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:54 am
by darkfrei
Maybe water shaders like in Oxygen not Included:

Code: Select all

// Found this on GLSL sandbox. I really liked it, changed a few things and made it tileable.
// :)
// by David Hoskins.

// Water turbulence effect by joltz0r 2013-07-04, improved 2013-07-07

// Redefine below to see the tiling...
//#define SHOW_TILING

#define TAU 6.28318530718
#define MAX_ITER 5

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) 
	float time = iTime * .5+23.0;
    // uv should be the 0-1 uv of texture...
	vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
	vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU*2.0, TAU)-250.0;
    vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU, TAU)-250.0;
	vec2 i = vec2(p);
	float c = 1.0;
	float inten = .005;

	for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ITER; n++) 
		float t = time * (1.0 - (3.5 / float(n+1)));
		i = p + vec2(cos(t - i.x) + sin(t + i.y), sin(t - i.y) + cos(t + i.x));
		c += 1.0/length(vec2(p.x / (sin(i.x+t)/inten),p.y / (cos(i.y+t)/inten)));
	c /= float(MAX_ITER);
	c = 1.17-pow(c, 1.4);
	vec3 colour = vec3(pow(abs(c), 8.0));
    colour = clamp(colour + vec3(0.0, 0.35, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0);

	// Flash tile borders...
	vec2 pixel = 2.0 / iResolution.xy;
	uv *= 2.0;

	float f = floor(mod(iTime*.5, 2.0)); 	// Flash value.
	vec2 first = step(pixel, uv) * f;		   	// Rule out first screen pixels and flash.
	uv  = step(fract(uv), pixel);				// Add one line of pixels per tile.
	colour = mix(colour, vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (uv.x + uv.y) * first.x * first.y); // Yellow line
	fragColor = vec4(colour, 1.0);

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:57 am
by glitchapp
darkfrei wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:54 am Maybe water shaders like in Oxygen not Included:

Code: Select all

// Found this on GLSL sandbox. I really liked it, changed a few things and made it tileable.
// :)
// by David Hoskins.

// Water turbulence effect by joltz0r 2013-07-04, improved 2013-07-07

// Redefine below to see the tiling...
//#define SHOW_TILING

#define TAU 6.28318530718
#define MAX_ITER 5

void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) 
	float time = iTime * .5+23.0;
    // uv should be the 0-1 uv of texture...
	vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy;
	vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU*2.0, TAU)-250.0;
    vec2 p = mod(uv*TAU, TAU)-250.0;
	vec2 i = vec2(p);
	float c = 1.0;
	float inten = .005;

	for (int n = 0; n < MAX_ITER; n++) 
		float t = time * (1.0 - (3.5 / float(n+1)));
		i = p + vec2(cos(t - i.x) + sin(t + i.y), sin(t - i.y) + cos(t + i.x));
		c += 1.0/length(vec2(p.x / (sin(i.x+t)/inten),p.y / (cos(i.y+t)/inten)));
	c /= float(MAX_ITER);
	c = 1.17-pow(c, 1.4);
	vec3 colour = vec3(pow(abs(c), 8.0));
    colour = clamp(colour + vec3(0.0, 0.35, 0.5), 0.0, 1.0);

	// Flash tile borders...
	vec2 pixel = 2.0 / iResolution.xy;
	uv *= 2.0;

	float f = floor(mod(iTime*.5, 2.0)); 	// Flash value.
	vec2 first = step(pixel, uv) * f;		   	// Rule out first screen pixels and flash.
	uv  = step(fract(uv), pixel);				// Add one line of pixels per tile.
	colour = mix(colour, vec3(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), (uv.x + uv.y) * first.x * first.y); // Yellow line
	fragColor = vec4(colour, 1.0);
thank you! it works! I'm trying to figure out how to apply it only to the background and not the foreground now.

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 10:28 am
by darkfrei
glitchapp wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 9:57 am thank you! it works! I'm trying to figure out how to apply it only to the background and not the foreground now.
I am not familiar with shaders, can you show the shader code for Löve?

If your background is a canvas, then you can can apply your shader to that canvas only.

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2022 11:04 am
by glitchapp
it's working now, I just can't apply to the whole background because then it loses much colors and brightness so I was testing how to apply to only particular places.
test2.gif (222.82 KiB) Viewed 5866 times
This is the code:

Code: Select all

	if shader1==false and shader2==true then				--Draw second shader if enabled (shadertoy)'fill', 0, 0,1920, 680)
			drawallcontent(),1,1,0.8) (level1bck2, 0,0,0,1/dividx,1/dividy),1,1,0.95) (level1bck, 0,0,0,1/dividx,1/dividy),1,1,1) (level1frg, 0,0,0,1/dividx,1/dividy)

			pb:drawAgents ()
			pb:drawBlocks ()
* Update, I apply with different levels of transparency depending on the zone of the background so that there's not much loss of color and brightness

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 5:08 am
by glitchapp
Hello, I'm just missing a last and very important function to make my game fully playable and I'm not sure how to approach it:

I need to create a function that detects when an agent has reached the exit.
To achieve that first I added a new number for the map tables (number 2) like this:

Code: Select all

level.w = 0 -- map width in tiles (same as highest x)
level.h = -- map height in tiles
for y, xs in ipairs ( do
	for x, value in ipairs (xs) do
		if value == 1 then
			-- now value is true[y][x] = true
			if level.w < x then level.w = x end
		elseif value==0 then
			-- now value is false[y][x] = false
		elseif value==2 then[y][x] = "exit"
		elseif value==3 then[y][x] = "border"
Please check the whole file here: ... evel-1.lua

The next thing I need to do is to create a function that detect when an agent collides with those exit marks. I've been thinking of creating also special objects for that purpose, what do yo think would be the best solution?

This is a function detecting collision of agents with blocks:

Code: Select all

function pb:isCollisionBlockToAllAgents (blockA, dx, dy)
	for i, agent in ipairs (self.agents) do
		if self:isBlockToBlockCollision (blockA, agent, dx, dy) then
			return agent -- dead agent :(
	return false
Please check the whole file and code here: ... blocks.lua

Thanks in advance!

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 8:25 am
by darkfrei
Must be something like:

The exit is an area, that have tiles.
We have two collision conditions:
1) At least one block of fish is in exit area to exit.
2) The whole fish must be in the exit area.

Just use new list with exits and check if it has the collision with agent of check for all agents that all of them have collision with exit area.


Code: Select all

function pb:areAllAgentsInExitAreas ()
	for i, agent in ipairs (self.agents) do
		if not self:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent) then
			return false -- at least one of agents is not on exit, the game is not over
	return true -- all agents are in exit areas, level is done

Code: Select all

function pb:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent)
	for i, area in ipairs (self.exitAreas) do
		if self:isBlockToBlockCollision (area, agent, 0, 0) then -- dx and dy are 0
			return true -- collision one of areas to agent in /this/ position
	return false -- this agent has no collision with any of exit areas
and than pb.exitAreas can be defined as block and agents: position and all tiles in any form for example rectangle.

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:10 am
by glitchapp
oh thank you! amazing it's almost done! :awesome:

I added the two functions, now the last part missing is to call those functions to check if the collision is happening.

I created something like this:

Code: Select all

function pb:getCollisionExit (Agent)
for i, agent in ipairs (self.agents) do
		if agent == self.agent then
			-- no collision detection with active agent
		elseif self:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent) then
		 return true -- collision with exit
Am I in the right direction?

I have an idea, the game is too big with the assets right now so I will make a small demo of the first level to post it here, I will upload it in a few minutes:
(1.91 MiB) Downloaded 172 times
So there it is, don't select any other level than the first one because it will crash.

What I think it needs to be done is to call that function and ask if there is collision to the exit or if the two agents are colliding with the exit area.

Code: Select all

function pb:getBlocksToMove (agent, dx, dy)
	local blocks = {}
	local canMove = self:getCollisionBlocks (agent, blocks, dx, dy)
	return blocks, canMove

function pb:moveAgent (agent, dx, dy)
	self.agent.x = self.agent.x + dx
	self.agent.y = self.agent.y + dy

function pb:moveBlocks (blocks, dx, dy)
	for i, block in ipairs (blocks) do
		block.x = block.x + dx
		block.y = block.y + dy
		if soundon==true then
		    --scrape6:play()		--friction sound

function pb:isCollisionBlockToAllBlocks (blockA, dx, dy)
	for i, block in ipairs (self.blocks) do
		if not (block == blockA) 
		and self:isBlockToBlockCollision (blockA, block, dx, dy) then
			return true
	return false

function pb:isCollisionBlockToAllAgents (blockA, dx, dy)
	for i, agent in ipairs (self.agents) do
		if self:isBlockToBlockCollision (blockA, agent, dx, dy) then
			return agent -- dead agent :(
	return false

function pb:areAllAgentsInExitAreas ()
	for i, agent in ipairs (self.agents) do
		if not self:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent) then
			return false -- at least one of agents is not on exit, the game is not over
	return true -- all agents are in exit areas, level is done

function pb:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent)
	for i, area in ipairs (self.exitAreas) do
		if self:isBlockToBlockCollision (area, agent, 0, 0) then -- dx and dy are 0
			return true -- collision one of areas to agent in /this/ position
	return false -- this agent has no collision with any of exit areas

function pb:fallBlocks (blocks)
	local dx, dy = 0, 1 -- no horizontal speed, but positive (down) vertical
	for i = 1, self.gridWidth do
		for i, block in ipairs (blocks) do
			if self:isBlockToMapCollision (block, dx, dy) then
				-- not falling
				block.deadly = false
--				table.remove (blocks, i)
			elseif self:isCollisionBlockToAllBlocks (block, dx, dy) then
				block.deadly = false
				-- collision to block: probably not falling
			elseif block.deadly and self:isCollisionBlockToAllAgents (block, dx, dy) then
				local deadAgent = self:isCollisionBlockToAllAgents (block, dx, dy)
				deadAgent.dead = true
				block.deadly = false
--				table.remove (blocks, i)
			elseif self:isCollisionBlockToAllAgents (block, dx, dy) then
				-- the block is on fish
				-- sure falling
				if soundon==true then
				    --impactmetal:play()		--impact sound
				block.x = block.x + dx -- never changes
				block.y = block.y + dy
				block.deadly = true

function pb:mainMoving (dx, dy)
	local agent = self.agent -- active agent
	if dx > 0 then 
		agent.direction = "right"
	elseif dx < 0 then
		agent.direction = "left"
	local blocks, canMove = self:getBlocksToMove (agent, dx, dy)
	if canMove then
		self:moveAgent (agent, dx, dy)
		self:moveBlocks (blocks, dx, dy)
		self:fallBlocks (self.blocks, dx, dy)
		--self:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent)
If I add this function to the pb:mainMoving the game crashed when moving, I though that would be the way to know if the agents are in the exit...

--self:isCollisionAgentToAnyExitArea (agent)

*if the dialogs annoys you please press "c", I did not have time to fix the interface for the demo

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:06 pm
by darkfrei
glitchapp wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:10 am I have an idea, the game is too big with the assets right now so I will make a small demo of the first level to post it here, I will upload it in a few minutes:
I've fixed your credits (just style and functions, not the text of it):
(3.16 KiB) Downloaded 184 times

Re: Help implementing game logic from fish fillets

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:25 pm
by glitchapp
darkfrei wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:06 pm
glitchapp wrote: Mon Mar 21, 2022 9:10 am I have an idea, the game is too big with the assets right now so I will make a small demo of the first level to post it here, I will upload it in a few minutes:
I've fixed your credits (just style and functions, not the text of it):
Oh thank you, it does not look pixelated now, a lot better! I will upload it to the repository in the next update!

I like the button being highlighted with borders when hovered, I will add it to the main menu probably

Thanks again for all the help darkfrei!