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Re: My projects and demos
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:04 pm
by Pangit
Any help and advice is always most welcome thanks.
Re: My projects and demos
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 9:50 am
by Pangit
Today's update:
Been looking for data from ammunition and firearms books to help flesh out the example from 4aiman. With the dolos library generating contact names/NPCs this enables as many quests as I want.
Starting with the information on some of the oldest weapons found in circulation I figured a good place to start was government sources - additionally the use of the information is possible within the game without copyright issues. So much the good. Wanting to get a more international flavour the Special Forces Foreign Weapons handbook is a great reference.
Re: My projects and demos
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:16 am
by 4aiman
Actually, you don't have to look for a real weapons/ammo
Here's (yet again) a Shadowrun example: ... faqs/18920 (list down or search for "SECTION 4-A"). That is a Genesis/Megadrive's one. Very limited list, but rather safe to use as there's not that much data anyway.
If you want more, then there is a list of modern Shadowrun stuff: ... ts:Weapons. Note, however, that it might be wise to rename some weapons. I don't know how many items actually exist and how many are copyrighted fiction names. Just bear in mind that even non-commercial games may suffer from legal copyright holders.
Re: My projects and demos
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 11:29 am
by Pangit
True that was why I tried to stay away from the shadowrun or RPG source books was the potential copyright headaches. If I stick to the government research publications that's going to be fine using descriptions. But your right the technical data is pretty much PD from the RPG books.
What I wanted was as accurate a weapons and ammunition model as possible. Just to see why its not done in games. My hunch is it would make the game unplayable. But its an interesting experiment.
Re: My projects and demos
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 7:50 am
by Pangit
Today's update:
Well - due to me discovering electron I have now found a simple way to write tools to help me in creating the game. Once the tools are done it should speed up development significantly. Plus I am lazy and the tools could be changed to other games later down the line so the time spent developing them has a lot of good points.
Re: My projects and demos
Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 3:32 am
by Pangit
Recent Updates:
Currently developing assets with milkytracker and grafx2 & inkscape. Additionally learning electron & JavaScript properly so I can quickly develop the tools I want.
All in all a very busy time.