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Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:53 am
by nevon
crow wrote:I am going to change it little so that you can still use
t.version is not the version of the game. It's the version of Löve that the game is written for.

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:56 am
by crow
nevon wrote:
crow wrote:I am going to change it little so that you can still use
t.version is not the version of the game. It's the version of Löve that the game is written for.
Since the source dose not really use it there it no real reason for it right now since the soruce sets it anyway if I left it out.

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:11 pm
by chris
Why do you call it eros?

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 1:22 pm
by crow
chris wrote:Why do you call it eros?
Go google the name and read its history and you understand why :) but simply reply eros (Cupid) was Venus's son, Venus been goddess of love
so in my eyes the name fell in to suit and for me its easy to spell lol.

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:47 am
by crow

I am having a rest to day after spending along time on it yes I am going to get the build .love done next then
I will work on extra scripts I am going to put all scripts in to a script folder to keep things uniform.

Code: Select all

The scripts will open in a scripting window the reason for is so we don't flood main window is loads of tabs
as if you have a project with like 20 scripts I seen a few like this you would overwhelm the window so I will
add a new tree for the scripts folder.

Once I have these things done I will sit down and do some code clearing and clean up the resources up then
I will release the first alpha, so it should be end of this month :ultrahappy:

Remember All Alpha and Beta version will have the Autoplay Studios Logo nothing I can do about this I am
poor and don't have $250 for a pro version so PE version will have to do :) but the windows hucks are really
easy for someone dyslexic like me so its a no brainer for me lol in the future i would like to make my own
wrapper but C++ is not easy for me I tried in the past and the structure I just can't get my head around.

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 4:53 am
by crow

I am getting closer to that Alpha people was wanting to see :) and the functions I have working in the IDE so far are:

Building New project, you click new you give it a project name it then builds the files it needs for the project and then
your edit and change as your need to.

Open Project, this will open a saved project.

Run Project, this will run your project from the source folder of your project

Building Project to .Love, this also includes the project .heart file I will in the future add a option where you can
tell it to include or not this is so if you lose your source you don't have to redo a .heart file by hand to make your
app work in the editor again.

I just have to add save changes, and load open project from already open and I think a alpha should be ready.

I have tested Erös release version will mostly be something like on windows 7 without needing access to
admin where my older version did.

Alpha will not install it will run from where you download it and if your using custom version of love then you will have to build the
.love file for it be tested in your custom version as the builder comes with a version love that it knows it works with, in the future will add a option so you can change your path to your own version of love in the future and Erös in the future when it as a online host and everything will also download the latiest version of the supported love exe's

Building to exe is not going to be added for some time as I am going to add a few options for game build

.love already working and mostly used these days anyway
love.exe this will be calling the loves build exe option
custem exe - a Erös just a custem wrapped exe
folder game - this will leave the game as lua it will include a folder called engine that will be your love.exe
and then you will also get a custom exe that will boot your game reason for this is that you can have your game write custom lua files without needed
to keep using the appdate folder for same games and things like this.

So the Alpha will just make .love files and well I don't really seen this been a problem :)

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:46 pm
by flynsk
I'm glad you're going for the portable "install."

I have a quick question. I know you're not planning support for extensions but...
Do you have a "require" function built in, so the user can specify extensions? Maybe you can make it so the user can specify custom "requires" to speed it along(?).

Ie: require (name, target.lua)
then you could just load require --> "name" in the UI.

what i'm hoping to avoid, is having to export, then write in the requires, then build. I guess if we're building our own exe's gotta happen anyways, but once the exe function is implemented, it would be nice to just click and go :)

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:14 am
by crow
flynsk wrote:I'm glad you're going for the portable "install."

I have a quick question. I know you're not planning support for extensions but...
Do you have a "require" function built in, so the user can specify extensions? Maybe you can make it so the user can specify custom "requires" to speed it along(?).

Ie: require (name, target.lua)
then you could just load require --> "name" in the UI.

what i'm hoping to avoid, is having to export, then write in the requires, then build. I guess if we're building our own exe's gotta happen anyways, but once the exe function is implemented, it would be nice to just click and go :)

Can you explain what you mean by extenstions and the require function is a default lua function as you see from my screenshots (here) the custon functions I will include will be in the l_function.lua the
require('l_function.lua'); is written as part of the first file so I not sure I will be able to include other files automatcaly as I am not 2 sure how to do this
as its not as simple as sting replacement.

But if you could be little more detailed in what your idea is I might be able to say yes or no or explain what I will be doing lol.

The "install" will be a Program Files install in the future as this will be better for updates and keeping things uniform only the alpha will not be a installable
app, it might also be a compressed exe for the demo version to try and keep hosting size down little.

I have save, run and build all working and the default editor opening the main.lua the scripts and add on files options will not be in this version as I want to sit back and refine some other functions and clean up my code so maybe alpha 2 or 3 will/should have a dynamic script editor for extra scripts.

Thanks for all the input so far and I think I will just make the deadline for end of this month for this alpha release.

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 2:04 pm
by crow

OK I have been tweeking and I became my own enemy a friend of mind made a really nice UI in the past when
we was making playing the programming ideas and I had to go with this as the custom theme is nice but at
the same time it really would get confusing for some people so I changed the UI but this as not slowed down
the dev one new plus with the new UI is that I have now added a Erös Console this will show you the steps of
what its doing so you don't feel its crashed and if its failed it will print the error right there for you not in some
really bad dialog box lol.

I am still tweeking the code and updating some of it to include the console printing, I will get some new screen
shots up later on tonight /tomorrow I hope.

Re: L Builder Design View

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:53 pm
by crow

Today I released my Pre-Alpha to a few friends for beta testing and one or 2 bugs I will fix in the next day or two then the first Alpha release will
be ready, the UI as changed and I will post new screen shots with the download link in a few days, if you want to Pre-Alpha PM me in the next day or so
and I will PM you back with details how to download and setup the pre-alpha as some auto commands are not yet added.

For people that don't want to read this from post one I will explain what this app is.

Erös Alpha will be a IDE that enables you to set your modules true or false and lets you edit your basic main.lua file the alpha only supports single file right now but this is plained to also have a scripting tool for added on scripts why I did it this way is that it makes it more newbie friendly.

Erös Alpha will also let you test with 0.7.1 what is included with Erös but this wont over ride or edit your perinstalled love exe as when you build it will build a standard .love what will run from your preinstalled love.exe testing/running in Erös is the only time it will invoke the version included.

Building to exe is not added just yet I see most people use the .love formate more anyway :neko: