Here's another log for your heart fire, my good sir!hryx wrote:Jasoco, I'm still waiting on pins and needles for your Star Fox clone. I swear, seeing it is one of the few things that warms my heart.
Sorry the GIF is so ugly, but PhotoShop hates it being so big and also I'd rather you only download a 3MB GIF than a 20MB one.
Note the rotating cube on the screen of the computer. That's another world loaded parallel to the normal world and rendered to a canvas which is then drawn to the screen polygon. Nested worlds within worlds. Brilliant. Also the flickering CRT scanline. Some limitations due to the limitations of the Perspective.lua library, but it works.
Also note the menu animations and depth.
Also note that the computer is not plugged in. Uh oh.. how is it running?? OH NO!!!
The computer and each cube consists of an entity and a model or two. In this case, each entity has a single model attached to it. The computer in this case has an update callback that handles the rotation and the updating of the screen. Each of these computers could have their own "world" loaded and updating at once.