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Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:07 pm
by IMP1
I dunno if you ever played Fury3 (, but how different d'you reckon the basic mechanics are to your starfox clone?

I'd completely forgotten about the existence of this game until I saw your screenshots.

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:00 pm
by bartbes
Jasoco wrote:No lag. I get a constant 60FPS because for some reason my computer is stuck on VSync even if I have it off. (Need to look into why)
That's probably your driver forcing it on, if you go into its control panel (if you have one), you might be able to disable it.

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:59 pm
by Jasoco
bartbes wrote:
Jasoco wrote:No lag. I get a constant 60FPS because for some reason my computer is stuck on VSync even if I have it off. (Need to look into why)
That's probably your driver forcing it on, if you go into its control panel (if you have one), you might be able to disable it.
Figured it out. It was just me being stupid. Apparently if you pass a NIL value to setMode's VSync option it interprets it as TRUE. And I was setting it to a variable that was apparently not set. Interesting. Insights?

Edit: I just found something sad out. I normally use the LuaJIT version of Löve. But now I tested it in the normal version and it gets 25FPS. Ewww. Is this going to be a big problem? Does the LuaJIT version not work on all machines? Or is this a non-issue? (I need to do more testing of both versions and optimize a bit. LuaJIT is so much faster and more ideal.)

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:36 am
by bartbes
Jasoco wrote:Apparently if you pass a NIL value to setMode's VSync option it interprets it as TRUE. And I was setting it to a variable that was apparently not set. Interesting. Insights?
That's kind of how default values work, isn't it? ;)

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:50 am
by Jasoco
bartbes wrote:
Jasoco wrote:Apparently if you pass a NIL value to setMode's VSync option it interprets it as TRUE. And I was setting it to a variable that was apparently not set. Interesting. Insights?
That's kind of how default values work, isn't it? ;)
Yep. I guess so. I did not know I hadn't set the variable I was calling yet. I just thought I was going crazy and Löve didn't love me anymore.

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:32 pm
by Ubermann
I'm working on some idea I got some days ago:

War of <.....>

It is 100% mouse driven.
It works on Android at 800x600 (7'' screens) or PC at 1000x600.
Of course, graphics and everything gets scaled down when playing on Droid so everything fits on screen as in the PC would do.
Basically I'm developing the game fully compatible for both devices, without having to adapt anything, just change the game scaling factor with a single parameter.

It will be basically a RPG Fantasy chess-like game

PC Shot:
XovFL.png (6.31 KiB) Viewed 501 times
Droid Shot:
9pLR1.png (15.43 KiB) Viewed 501 times

Of course, there will be nice background art and window borders and such.
BTW I'm working in the engine itself.

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:10 pm
by Nixola
I've got an Android with a crappy screen, 480x300... Will it work there?

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:17 am
by Ubermann
Nixola wrote:I've got an Android with a crappy screen, 480x300... Will it work there?
Yes and no.

Ok, basically yes.

The game has an internal variable that is screenScale.
Everything gets scaled up/down using this variable. By default, the normal resolution is 800x480. Right now, for droid I set a scale of 1, but for PC I use a scale of 1.25, so resolution increases to 1000x600. And every sprite, board and everything gets scaled up.

For your screen, you just need to find a scaling factor that results in your resolution. Using calculator I come to 0.60 being the better scale for your phone, giving a resolution of 480x288.
Only changing this variable should scale everything down and fit everything in your screen without further changes.

If you were playing the game right now, you would need to change this variable manually, but I will definitely implement a function that checks the screen resolution and then calculates the game scale.
I'm not sure how or even if this will be possible, but if true then will_do_it() end ^_^

Some screen comparisons: 1000x600, 800x480 and 480x288
81I2Y.png (14.46 KiB) Viewed 502 times

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:00 pm
by SiENcE
Read my post on scaling pixelgraphics if you also want todo fullscreen some day. I'm also using löve for this. ... aling.html

Re: What's everyone working on? (tigsource inspired)

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 9:35 pm
by Ubermann
GUI Implementation and Japanese support:
OxZN7.png (211.48 KiB) Viewed 503 times
iFD0D.png (169.38 KiB) Viewed 503 times
3vhVy.png (163.17 KiB) Viewed 503 times
English with normal occidental gothic characters:
boRii.png (189.97 KiB) Viewed 503 times
Sadly, the gothic font doesn't have Japanese, Russian and Danish characters.
If you know any löveable font for those languages, you may send it so I can include in the game.