Admicos wrote:(btw why there's 2 "Advanced settings" or similar things. Could'nt there just a General category or someting like that to have multiplied strings?)
Admicos, thanks so much for the help!
I'm afraid categorizing things is a little complicated.
Generally speaking, it's good to have several version (with different length or descriptiveness) of the same string:
Hopefully, the categorization will improve as the project grows.
Hey Daniel, good work.
BTW, Google docs can export to CSV which is trivial to parse.
In terms of using the files in games, INI is probably the easiest option.
The ".PO" format seems to be popular too.
Of course, you could just export Lua tables or Python arrays too.
By the way, the Unicode database (from which a lot of the strings were imported) is in XML.
XML is very flexible, allowing categorization like:
Code: Select all
<category id="display">
<word id="resolution">
<string ver="long">Application display resolution</string>
<string ver="normal">Display resolution</string>
<string ver="short">Resolution</string>
On the downside, XML is harder to parse and use in games.
Again, thanks for your interest hopefully the project will get even better over time.