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Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 5:53 pm
by T-Bone
Wouldn't it work to just show a black screen with perhaps a restart button when you call love.event.quit()?
Another, probably better but perhaps more complicated solution, would be that when you make your website and add your game, you must also provide a link. When the game quits, it directs you to wherever that link leads. So if you have for example a homepage and the game page, it can direct you back to the homepage afterwards.
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 6:47 pm
by hryx
T-Bone, if I understand binji correctly, there is no control over what is displayed on the page before, during, or after the game.
Maybe you could create a minimal wrapper app around LOVE for the launcher/post-game links thing. Could be overkill, though. I dunno.
Are all those context menu and other modifications dependent on webpage Javascript, or can a Chrome extension do that automatically? Though, I still think a simpler solution would be better. Maybe just always open the game in a new tab, then either close it or go blank upon quitting.
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:36 am
by Puzzlem00n
First off, I'd like to thank you for making this! I really, really like it, and I'm sure it will prove very useful to us all.
What I'm here to say is that this extension appears to have suddenly stopped working for me as of yesterday. It's post-Ludum Dare season, you see, so I've been rating a lot of games, and awesomely, a lot of LÖVE games, so I've been using the extension often. I even linked it's download page on my entry in case anyone who rated my game might find it useful. But again, the extension stopped working for me, and I got a comment from someone that said it didn't work for them, either. So I'm just giving you the heads-up. I tried the "enable native client" thing too. No dice.
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 2:18 am
by slime
hryx wrote:binji wrote:It should be easy to support the "q" message as well -- though I'm hesitant to add features like that. If it fails in desktop love, it should fail in LÖVELINESS! (and the other way around too, but that's harder.
Like I said, the 'q' event is from an older version of LOVE, which is now love.event.quit. So I agree that you should really let LOVE handle it as it would -- in this case, bluescreen on love.event.push('q') -- presuming the extension is loading LOVE v0.8 and not an older one.
LÖVE 0.7.2 and below just had love.event.push("q"). LÖVE 0.8.0 renamed it to love.event.push("quit"), and added love.event.quit() as well.
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:02 pm
by binji
Puzzlem00n wrote:But again, the extension stopped working for me, and I got a comment from someone that said it didn't work for them, either.
What version of Chrome are you running? (type about:version in the URL bar) What OS? Do you have a 32-bit or 64-bit computer? Does Native Client work if you run a different application (try ... ipaephckkd)
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:11 pm
by Puzzlem00n
Chrome Version: 26.0.1410.64 (Official Build 193017) m
OS: Windows 7, 64-bit
I realize I should have probably given you that before, but I was a little out of it, sorry.
I don't think the whole native client thing is related to the problem at all, since I didn't have it enabled when it was working a few days ago.
And, just to check if it has anything to do with my game, you can look at it
here. (Although I don't think it does.)
EDIT: Oh, drat, it does have to do with my game. I could have sworn I tested other love files yesterday before wandering back here to file my complaints... Haha, sorry. So, now to see what's wrong with it.
EDIT 2: Solved! Apparently, your extension used to ignore calls for a full screen mode or something, but now it causes the love files not to load. My game is working now that I removed the t.screen.fullscreen = true. Sorry for the trouble!
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:31 pm
by easy82
Binji, the GitHub link under your posts have a type thus it does not work:
Instead of:
I'd also suggest to link your LÖVILENESS webpage instead of the GitHub repo on the Chrome Extensions page, and add a link to the repo from there.
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:15 pm
by binji
easy82 wrote:Binji, the GitHub link under your posts have a type thus it does not work:
I'd also suggest to link your LÖVILENESS webpage instead...
Done and done, thanks!
Puzzlem00n wrote:Solved! Apparently, your extension used to ignore calls for a full screen mode or something, but now it causes the love files not to load.
Ah, thanks for finding that crash. It is fixed in 0.1.6 -- fullscreen won't be set automatically (it's a dumb limitation of the fullscreen API available to me, you can only set fullscreen mode through a "user action") but it won't crash either.
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:02 am
by T-Bone
Would it be possible to make stand alone Chrome executables for Löve games based on Löveliness? It would be really cool to see some Löve games on the Chrome web store
Re: LÖVELINESS a LÖVE Chrome Extension
Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 3:27 pm
by binji
T-Bone wrote:Would it be possible to make stand alone Chrome executables for Löve games based on Löveliness?
Yes! In fact, I was thinking of writing up a document in the wiki about how to do this...
Even better would be to automatically create a Chrome Web Store package from a .love file, then let the user tweak it. Maybe I'll take a look at writing up a script like that...