nlove (LOVE2D) for Dingoo & Caanoo Handheld

A port replacing OpenGL and OpenAL with SDL. Now defunct.

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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by headchant »

yey! sound! that's great news.

now I only have to wait for a caanoo -.-
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by Jasoco »

I want this ability so much. How fast is it on the Caanoo? Is it working well? If I had one, would it be easy to get running? I will kill for the ability to take my game with me to show and impress my friends. Does it run well enough on the device? Or is it still running slow?
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by kalle2990 »

Seems like I gotta re-think the concept of this Android port, both because with the old one I had to build all libraries myself which ended up in getting far too many errors (And I think bartbes is a little tired of my nooby questions on the irc ^^). I'll go for this one instead: ... t9218.html

It includes many of the requiered libs (SDL, SDL_image, SDL_mixer, lua) and should be quite easy to include :)
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by jph »

Jesoco - "How fast is it on the Caanoo? Is it working well? " it is decent for a simple game,. I will post a video when I finish mine. There are about 35 objects being checked against the player and its shots (4 or 5 at a time) with simple box collision checks,. (not using the physics yet) and I do my own particles and the drawing is just the lines and boxs but a few calls per object. it starts to slow too much if I do much more particles than currently,. it slows a bit not but it plays well,.

Thanks for the sound suport! I updated to CCZap a bit adding some sounds, get it from here; ... ntry924704

(Only really works on the caanoo currently,. my delta timeings must be off,. . )

However, I have not been able to get Source:setPitch( pitch ) to work? Should it currently?? Slight variations in pitch make repetative sound fx nicer to hear.
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by Jasoco »

When it's done (Well, to a nicely working point at least) I will totally get one of them. As long as I can connect it to my Mac and program the game there.
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by zac352 »

I want a caanoo. @_@
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by SiENcE »

jph wrote: However, I have not been able to get Source:setPitch( pitch ) to work? Should it currently?? Slight variations in pitch make repetative sound fx nicer to hear.
Sorry, pitching is not supported yet.
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by kalle2990 »

Unfortunately, I'm not going to complete the Android nLöve compilation. I get error messages on the emulator that "The library could not be loaded" with no further information :x If someone wants to know what I used, it was ... t9218.html as mentioned above (the last-working-1.6 download). In lack of time, knowledge and enthusiasm I abandon this project.. :cry:

EDIT: For everyones information, I get some sort of error called "Unable to link library, LINK_IMAGE[1995]"

EDIT #2: I might countiue as I have found a way to debug this ^^
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by kalle2990 »

The first run on an Android device is getting closer, I think I'm loading it on the device (the output tells there was a success), the only thing is that I'm not interacting with the LÖVE engine in my required java project yet.. :roll:
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Re: nlove (LÖVE 0.7.0) beta for Caanoo Handheld

Post by SiENcE »

So you are using OpenGL ES 1/2.x for Android?

I also want to add this to my Caanoo port of nLove, because Caanoo supports OpenGL ES too.

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