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Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:34 am
by gennn
Hi, I have another problem: if I go on Compete I have no AI to choose from.

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:36 am
by Robin
Germanunkol wrote:Good point.
I was going to use functions instead of do ... end blocks, because that way a object oriented approach in the form of:

Code: Select all

object = {}

return object
would not be destroyed.
Even better than do ... end.
Germanunkol wrote:How about this approach: The upload script looks for all the require calls and then automatically zips those files and uploads the zipped file? That way users wouldn't have to deal with it...
That would be better than that including thing.
Germanunkol wrote:No idea how to do this though.
You'll either need to use native tools for zipping (which might be a problem on Windows), or use some sort of LuaZip library that probably exists. I guess.

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 3:54 pm
by Germanunkol
gennn wrote:Hi, I have another problem: if I go on Compete I have no AI to choose from.
Could you try running the attached .love file and tell me your console output? I really need to get access to a win PC -.-
Edit: Never mind. The file wasn't working. I think I got it figured out now...
Robin wrote: You'll either need to use native tools for zipping (which might be a problem on Windows), or use some sort of LuaZip library that probably exists. I guess.
I guess I'll try to get the server to actually load the zip files first and run the AI in them. If that works I can still think about a way to automatically zip the files - maybe. Until then I can just let the users zip it...

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 10:20 pm
by Germanunkol
Update: Added a new file to the first post. This one should also work on windows now.

Most important changes:
  • Added "require" function (or at least an interface to it) to the AI API
  • Added more sounds
  • Fixed windows file loading/storing
  • Updated the API.

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:06 am
by vitaminx
Hi, I just looked at your homepage and I noticed that the download links are not yet working.
Seems that the only way to get your game is via github.

Just some days ago I finished a cgi bash script for my game that automatically builds a love archive each time something is commited to the github code.
I don't know how you host your game website, but if it's with Linux then it might be helpful.

You can find the cgi script here: ... itpush.cgi.
You also need to enable "WebHook URL" in github and point it to the cgi script address.

It works like this:
Each time you commit something to your project, github connects to the cgi script and sends the changes in JSON format as postdata.
The script reads the data and checks if something below /code has changed, that's a directory in my repo, you may not need this grep for your code.
If there's a change below /code it clones the current git repo from github to /tmp, then packs and moves it to the webserver location.

The script gives each "build" a new timestamp, but it should be easy to change the script to give it a version number or just the same name as previous builds.

Hope that you find this useful (or anyone else here).

Have fun,

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:21 am
by vitaminx
Don't know if this has been mentioned already, but your list of screen sizes in the settings is impractical, if not buggy :P
I have 2 HD monitors which results in a large set of resolutions, they're just cut off in the window (should be up to 1920x1080).

I've attached a screenshot, should be obvious :P

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:53 am
by Germanunkol
Hi, thanks for the script-Idea!
That might come in really handy, yes!

So far I have not posted the .love on the website, you can only get it from this forum (see first post in the thread for the newest version). I wanted to get the game tested by some lovers before I expose it to the broad public.
But when I do make it public, I'll check out your script - it's a good idea!

I did not yet figure out why the screen resolutions go off the screen, yes. I'll look into it... they're supposed to be wrapped around (and sometimes that works).
Edit: Fixed. I checked for the screen width instead of the screen height. My bad.

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:19 pm
by Germanunkol
It's working!
I wrote a .svg file creator which will generate charts displaying the outcome of the last match ... all automatically! The result is then stored on the website. Now you can actually follow how badass phoenix is :D Check it out:

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:12 am
by substitute541
Could you put the download link in dropbox now. I want to download it in a downloader... And yes, I do have a crappy net.

Re: trAInsported: Alpha testers needed

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 6:05 am
by Taehl
I tried it out for the first time.

1) Loading was super-slow. Why make 19 threads generate images at the same time, instead of generating 1 image at a time?
2) The game brings my whole system to a crawl. Unless I minimize the window (to force-pause it), every action on my desktop takes like 30 seconds to happen.
3) I tried the first tutorial level. I got to the part where it tells you to print("Hello trAIns!"), and am stuck. It won't let me continue the tutorial, despite following its instructions.