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Re: Jasoco's 3D Model Extravaganza.. Does anyone like STAR F

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:51 am
by Jasoco
Oh, you can still have it. I might do something with these one day, but here is both projects to play with. They are not zipped, just renamed folders, but you can run them or zip them yourself.
3D as it is now
(21.78 KiB) Downloaded 322 times
If you use the methods, feel free to give me some credit even though I didn't do it completely myself. I got some methods off Google for displaying stuff in 3D. I just experimented and added to it to make something that works well. And Star Fox was a natural progression (As it was the whole reason I wanted to do it). Also, this guy:
55gxoi.jpeg (20.6 KiB) Viewed 3983 times
I wanted to make a game with a boss like that ever since I played the original.

Re: Jasoco's 3D Model Extravaganza.. Does anyone like STAR F

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 3:21 am
by Luiji
Andross=best boss ever. He's actually a little scary.

Re: Jasoco's 3D Model Extravaganza.. Does anyone like STAR F

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:04 am
by vrld
Strange thing, implementing a 3D renderer on top of a 2D framework which is built on top of a 3D framework.
Very strange indeed, but very hackish and thus cool.

Kudos, Jasoco, kudos...

Re: Jasoco's 3D Model Extravaganza.. Does anyone like STAR F

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:27 am
by Jasoco
I've put Star Fox on the shelf for now while I work more on perfecting the core 3D engine.

I've started working on it a bit today. Hopefully I'll have something worth showing again soon. I want to get moving, rotating and scaling objects in place first. I did however add rectangles (4-point polygons instead of 3) that can be used in place of triangles if you choose to which will help the framerate a bit (Since it'd be one less polygon to draw. Two if you have outlines turned on.) and you can override the predefined colors of a model if you choose.

Back to work.

Jasoco 3D

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 1:40 am
by Jasoco
As posted in another thread:
Even newer version than the one earlier tonight.
(9.71 KiB) Downloaded 365 times
It is AS IS. No warranty. Work in progress. Whatever I was working on at the time I left it last. So don't complain!
Edit: Earlier version replaced with newer version I just did. I'm getting 60FPS with 100 cubes bouncing around inside a cubical area. Polygons are now attached to their object definition. The object is what is moved and manipulated and the points and polys inherit their properties.

The only problem is in Löve, 3D calculations are slow...
Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 8.26.00 PM.jpg
Screen shot 2010-11-17 at 8.26.00 PM.jpg (70.52 KiB) Viewed 3850 times
40FPS on I think 190+ cubes. (The screenshot was taken with Hulu Desktop running fullscreen on another display) Each with 6 sides (I implemented 4-sided polygons to help cut down instead of having to always use two triangles for a square) and 8 points of their own. Which would mean over 1000 points and 1000 squares.

The more points there are and the more polygons there are, the slower it is. Also, it's not that easy to program clipping. (i.e. when a polygon intersects another and it clips the unseen stuff.)

Now, the problem with my program is that it recalculates the location of the points every frame because they're always moving. IF I were to turn off the calculations for each subsequent frame after the first, and have it use the same points every time, it wouldn't be moving, but it would be faster. With optimization, I could set it up to only recalculate objects that are moving and not unmoving ones. I fully plan on turning this into an FPS or something in the style of old-school late 80's 3D PC games.

IF Löve could do texture warping and clipping, it could do real 3D textured models.. but then again, it would be SLOOOOOOOOOOW. Löve just can't handle that large amount of looping.

See, the program needs to loop through both the points and polys tables a few times each frame. Even if I optimize it to only loop once for each, maybe I might gain some FPS but still it'll be slow. It goes through Points twice and Polys 4 times. It even has to go through the Poly table, then sort the polys by their lowest Z coordinate, then go through the Poly table again.

Future plans include marking objects as static so they don't get calculated every frame (i.e. once their points are plotted they don't need to be updated) to reduce FPS loss. Also, sprites. The old-school 3D game style with a flat image representing a 3D object. Also, not just a FPS game but maybe also a Kart style game.

Don't get too attached to this version. Just use it for reference. I want to rewrite the model loader and make models separate entities that can be moved independently and rotated and shrunk and everything.

Re: Jasoco's 3D Engine Thread: Go to Page 6 Please!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:55 am
by tentus
Very impressive, I get a steady 61 FPS even when swirling everything around in every direction. Outline may be broken though.

Re: Jasoco's 3D Engine Thread: Go to Page 6 Please!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 4:04 am
by Jasoco
Outline? There's two modes actually. L turns it on and off, ; switches between colored and black. But I don't like it much so I might be removing it. It gives jaggier looking polys but looks more authentic.

Re: Jasoco's 3D Engine Thread: Go to Page 6 Please!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:02 am
by arquivista
Man that is even slower than Grid engine! Ah naw just messing with you Jasoco. Things seem fine. Remember we are on Mac, as I watched in benchmark thread things must be even faster in Windows/Linux machines. But you will need this to be faster right for action purposes? I guess if as you said stop do all that intense calculations like you doing now you will manage it! :)

Re: Jasoco's 3D Engine Thread: Go to Page 6 Please!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:14 am
by nevon
Runs smoothly at 61fps, regardless of how I rotate or zoom. Looks nice.

You removed the line though, right? Because I couldn't tell any difference when pressing 'L'.

Re: Jasoco's 3D Engine Thread: Go to Page 6 Please!

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:02 pm
by thelinx
nevon wrote:Runs smoothly at 61fps, regardless of how I rotate or zoom. Looks nice.

You removed the line though, right? Because I couldn't tell any difference when pressing 'L'.
Look at the edges. With line activated, they're smooth as a baby's bottom.