Love2D builder

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Re: Love2D builder

Post by ivan »

At this point in time, the web version works on Apache servers.
The page is at
This page does not appear to be using the standalone version of love.js
Or maybe you can get in contact with team, I hear they are friendly towards indie development.
No, as far as I am aware is NOT an open source platform
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by knorke »

This does not appear to be the standalone version of love.js
I had updated it with a version made by following the link posted by Andlac028.

Below I attach the version created by your builder website.
No, as far as I am aware is NOT an open source platform
I am not sure if the platform itself is 100% OS but plenty of stuff is viewable at
What I actually meant by "friendly" is that devs can publish without any fee, revenue sharing is freely adjustable from 0% to 100% between the gamedev and site and generally what I read about the creators/site seemed sensible.
The first ever game published on itch was a love2d game :cool:
Currently there are 2127 games tagged with "LÖVE", at least some of them must have interest in a web version? It would be cool to turn love2d games into browser games by using a simple tool (like your builder) and uploading them to some place, without having to configure servers or worry about hosting.
Well, I do not want to go offtopic further nor ad-spam too much. :o:
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by ivan » is a for-profit website so there is no benefit in developing open source tools that would facilitate their business. The itch website does not specify who owns the service or where their company is located (besides "My name is Leaf leafo and I'm a programmer"). I recommend setting up your own website if you can afford it. is packaged correctly by the builder and loads your game on an Apache server as described in the documentation. Then love.js crashes with the following error (shown under developer tools > console):

Code: Select all

Error: Syntax error: buttons.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '燎
love.js:9 stack traceback:
love.js:9 	[string "boot.lua"]:777: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:773>
love.js:9 	[C]: ?
love.js:9 	[C]: in function 'require'
love.js:9 	main.lua:76: in main chunk
love.js:9 	[C]: in function 'require'
love.js:9 	[string "boot.lua"]:570: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:380>
love.js:9 	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
love.js:9 	[string "boot.lua"]:787: in function <[string "boot.lua"]:780>
love.js:9 	[C]: in function 'xpcall'
love.js is a port that does not use FFI so it is still not 100% compatible with the downloadable version of love2d. Hopefully we can see more development around love.js and these issues will be resolved in the future. I developed the love.js standalone player which allows you to load games dynamically, but in regards to your love.js/emscripten errors you have to talk to Davidobot or Tanner because this is outside of my area of expertise.
We need more help in developing love.js (do not waste your time with
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by knorke »

This is all outside my knowledge, so I can not help with development except reporting errors or testing things.

In the error log there is this strange asian character.
So, it means "to burn" or "signal lamp" but that is only mildly helpful. :cool:
I thought maybe it is an encoding error in my files (german umlauts or line endings or such), so I tried a minimal example.
But with attached the builder website gives this error:
Cannot locate main.lua:/var/www/2dengine/api/lib/builder/tmp/1505494012
Love itself runs it normally.
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by ivan »

Thank you for the bug report, Sir. I have gone ahead and fixed the above-mentioned issue.
I can confirm that the file is built and works correctly on Apache.
love.js is a little bit weird especially when using the love.filesystem module
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by milon »

ivan wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 1:23 pm I am a relative newbie when it comes to Linux so thank you for the help.
According to the Love2D wiki: ... _for_Linux
If you need to change the icon, place your PNG (SuperGame.png for example) or SVG (SuperGame.svg) icon beside love.desktop and modify the Icon=love to Icon=SuperGame. You can remove love.svg.
I followed the above mentioned tutorial before building my AppImage but to no avail!
What is the "proper" way to distribute apps on Linux besides using third party services like the Ubuntu store?
Thanks for pointing that out - I totally forgot about that wiki page! I ran a quick test here, and it worked perfectly - even the icon! See my love.desktop below. I was using a different .love project, but the layout should be the same:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Simple Shadows test
Comment=Playing with shadows and AppImage
Exec=SimpleShadows %f
The wiki could be clearer on building the AppImage. Note that the "Icon" entry doesn't want an extension - just the filename (weird). Also, it threw a warning about having more than 1 category listed. It's probably better to just cut that down to "Categories=Game;" instead.

The "proper" ways that I know to distribute an app for Linux are:
1. Trusted software repositories (like the Ubuntu store)
2. Downloadable pre-compiled binaries
3. Downloadable source code
Although maybe I misinterpreted your question?

AppImage should work well for Linux builds, and it is supposed to work across virtually all Linux distros. As long as you can get it to build as expected, that's probably the best way to go.

For fun, I'm attaching my .AppImage result (zipped for forum compatibility). Let me know where you're getting stuck and I'll try to help further.
AppImage with custom icon
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Last edited by milon on Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by dusoft »

It works/runs, but only default icon is shown.
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by milon »

dusoft wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:12 pm It works/runs, but only default icon is shown.
Where did the AppImage come from, or did you make it (and how)?
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by dusoft »

milon wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:28 pm
dusoft wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 7:12 pm It works/runs, but only default icon is shown.
Where did the AppImage come from, or did you make it (and how)?
From the previous post above.
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Re: Love2D builder

Post by milon »

dusoft wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 10:35 pm
milon wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 7:28 pm Where did the AppImage come from, or did you make it (and how)?
From the previous post above.
So, extracted from my .zip then. Strange. The icon shows up for me, but not for others.

Dusoft, what OS are you running? Can any other Linux users test the icon status? What happens after running the AppImage once or twice - does the icon show up then?

In case it matters, I'm on Linux Mint 21 "Vanessa".
Any code samples/ideas by me should be considered Public Domain (no attribution needed) license unless otherwise stated.
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