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Re: Rigid Boy 2

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:06 am
by HighwireAct
Dude. You're 15, and you made this? I'm looking at the source files, and wow, I can't even fathom having that much gamedev/programming knowledge at that age. Seriously, bravo, man.

Re: Rigid Boy 2

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 1:22 pm
by Connorses
You know we talked about this earlier, and I still think that changing the controls at this point would change the existing levels. In fact, I was working on a level where you have to bounce off walls on purpose. XD

Re: Rigid Boy 2

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:45 pm
by Luke100000
Nice job! It's a great game, and I love playing it! I have a small bit of feedback:
The bouncing off walls just feels weird, and bouncing off a wall into spikes is not fun. I think the bounce when you hit walls should be smaller, or be replaced by wall jumps / slides.
Bouncing is characteristic for Rigid Boy :3
And how high you jump should depend on how long you press the jump button.
I don't like this method of jumping, but I will add the ability to enable this. Extra for you :nyu:
Dude. You're 15, and you made this? I'm looking at the source files, and wow, I can't even fathom having that much gamedev/programming knowledge at that age. Seriously, bravo, man.
Thanks! :awesome: If you have a special wish for Rigid Boy say it and I will add it. :rofl:
You know we talked about this earlier, and I still think that changing the controls at this point would change the existing levels. In fact, I was working on a level where you have to bounce off walls on purpose. XD
Yes you are right. But I changed the sliding a bit, there was a small bug and the character also breaks harder the faster he falls now. It will not change the physics too much.

By the way, since version 1.5 you can upload worlds, If you haven't deleted the world already and if the world converter works correctly (updating the old 4-files save folders to one compressed file) please upload it, you will be the first one who uploads an own world (excepts my friends :P) and I want to play it!