I'm always looking for different, improved pathfinding implementations. I'm currently using the following for basic A*Star.
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---AStar pathfinding implentation
--@author DecoDaMan
local ipairs = ipairs
local pairs = pairs
local table = table
local math = math
local print = print
local unpack = unpack
astar = {}
--@param t
--@param ...
function table.call(t, ...)
if type(t) == "function" then return t(...) end
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if not v(...) then
return false
return true
--@param t
--@param num
--@param ...
function table.multiplier_call(t, num, ...)
if type(t) == "function" then return t(...) end
for k,v in pairs(t) do
num = num * v(num, ...)
if num < 0 or num >= math.huge then break end
return math.max(num, 0)
local object_meta = {}
--@param starting_node
--@param target_node
--@param neighbour_iterator
--@param walkable_checks
--@param heuristic
--@param ...
function astar.Create(starting_node, target_node, neighbour_iterator, walkable_checks, heuristic, conditionals, args)
return {
node_status = {
[starting_node] = { -- 1) Add the starting node to the open list
list = false, -- true = on the closed list, false = on the open list
parent = nil,
f = 0, -- g+h
g = 0, -- length of path from starting node to current node (current.g = parent.g + heuristic(parent, curent))
h = heuristic(starting_node, target_node, args), -- estimated distance to target node
c = 1,
starting_node = starting_node,
target_node = target_node,
neighbour_iterator = neighbour_iterator,
walkable_checks = walkable_checks,
heuristic = heuristic,
conditionals = conditionals or {},
args = args
--@param object
function astar.Step(object) -- 2) Repeat the following:
local lowest_f_score, current_node, current_status = math.huge, nil, nil
for open_node, status in pairs(object.node_status) do -- a) Look for the lowest F cost node on the open list...
if not status.list and status.f < lowest_f_score then
current_node = open_node -- ... We refer to this as the current node.
lowest_f_score = status.f
current_status = status
if current_node then
if current_node == object.target_node then -- (If this node is the target node, stop and loop backwards from the target node via parent links to the source node...
local path, pathi, pathn = {current_node}, 1, current_node
while path[pathi] do
pathi = pathi + 1
pathn = object.node_status[pathn].parent
path[pathi] = pathn
return true, true, path, node_status -- ...This is your path! :D )
current_status.list = true -- b) Switch it to the closed list
local neighbour_status
for _, neighbour_node in ipairs(object.neighbour_iterator(current_node, current_status, object.args)) do -- c) For each of the nodes linked to this node:
neighbour_status = object.node_status[neighbour_node]
if not neighbour_status then -- () If it isn't on the open list,...
local walkcheck = table.call(object.walkable_checks, current_node, neighbour_node, object.startinging_node, object.target_node, object.heuristic, object.args)
if walkcheck ~= false then -- ...and it's walkable...
neighbour_status = {
list = false, -- ...add it to the open list...
parent = current_node, -- ...Make the current node the parent of this node...
-- ...Record the..
--g = current_status.g + object.heuristic(current_node, neighbour_node, unpack(object.args)) -- ...G cost...
g = current_status.g + walkcheck -- ...G cost...
* table.multiplier_call(object.conditionals, 1, current_node, neighbour_node, object.starting_node, object.target_node, object.heuristic, object.args), -- ...additional costs...
h = object.heuristic(current_node, object.target_node, object.args), -- ...H cost...
neighbour_status.f = neighbour_status.g + neighbour_status.h -- ...and the F cost.
object.node_status[neighbour_node] = neighbour_status
local walkcheck = table.call(object.walkable_checks, current_node, neighbour_node, object.startinging_node, object.target_node, object.heuristic, object.args)
if not neighbour_status.list -- () If it is on the open list already,...
and walkcheck ~= false -- ...and it's walkable...
and object.node_status[neighbour_status.parent].g > current_status.g -- ...check to see if this path to that node is better from the current node, using G cost as the measure...
-- ..A lower G cost means that this is a better path. If so...
neighbour_status.parent = current_node -- ...change the parent of the node to the current node...
--neighbour_status.g = current_status.g + object.heuristic(current_node, neighbour_node, unpack(object.args)) -- ...G cost...
neighbour_status.g = current_status.g + walkcheck -- ...G cost...
* table.multiplier_call(object.conditionals, 1, current_node, neighbour_node, starting_node, target_node, heuristic,object.args) -- ...additional costs...
neighbour_status.f = neighbour_status.g + neighbour_status.h -- ... and the F cost.
else -- (If the openlist is empty, and you haven't found the target node...
return true, false, {start_node}, node_status -- ...there is no path! D: )
return false
--@param starting_node
--@param target_node
--@param neighbour_iterator
--@param walkable_checks
--@param heuristic
--@param ...
function astar.CalculatePath(starting_node, target_node, neighbour_iterator, walkable_checks, heuristic, conditionals, args)
local object = astar.Create(starting_node, target_node, neighbour_iterator, walkable_checks, heuristic, conditionals, args)
local finished, found, path, statuses
while not finished do
finished, found, path, statuses = astar.Step(object)
return found, path, statuses
With a quick look does anything jump out at anyone as being inferior/superior to this implementation?