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Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:30 pm
by Eamonn
Unfortunately, I didn't get to participate because I had(and still have, but it's a lot less painful) because I got an extremely bad pain on the right side of my neck, shoulder and upper arm. I had to keep my head forced onto my left shoulder, and then yesterday I had neck strain(along with the pain from yesterday) from keeping my neck stretched over to my left side, so it was a catch-22: I couldn't have my neck balanced, because they I'd hurt my shoulder, I couldn't have my head to my right side because then the pain would be unbearable(I fell trying to balance my neck a few times, and sometimes I lost all feeling in my arm for about 3 seconds), but now everything is better... well... mostly. I still have that pain, but I can sleep now! :D

^Long story short: I had a really REALLY bad neck pain and that's why I couldn't participate in Ludum Dare.

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 3:31 pm
by Fractal
Here is mine! ... &uid=19457

It’s called "Five seconds", you start with five seconds left and the aim is to get 10 seconds left by collecting enough clocks and killing enemies (to get more clocks).
Let me know what you think (preferably on the Ludum Dare page) :)

It was my first Ludum Dare and choosing Löve was a very good idea, it was really fun to program with.

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:40 pm
by RedHot
And this is my entry : ... &uid=17763

It's really regrettable that I didn't have more time to add extra maps. Bug fixing and mechanics took over :ehem:

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 7:51 pm
by Katamori
Check out mine too! ... &uid=25228

I think I'm also gonna make an individual topic.

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:01 pm
by BlackBulletIV
Wow, seems like quite a lot of us made entries. Good to see.

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:06 pm
by baconhawka7x
We made a game called Nelson. Something goes wrong when you are repairing a handheld time machine, and you are thrown into a crazy trip through time and space.

Right now there are only about 7 different environments, but we are planning on expanding to hundreds.

Also, when you level, the only thing that increases is your damage. We are planning on having unlockable guns n' such.

In short, it's not a complete game yet, but I hope you can enjoy the gameplay so far!

Screens y0:

Image ... &uid=10400 page:

Our little promotional picture: ... 24x682.png

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:07 pm
by IAsep-TrixI
baconhawka7x wrote:We made a game called Nelson. Something goes wrong when you are repairing a handheld time machine, and you are thrown into a crazy trip through time and space.
beautiful and interesting game, as expected from sock munkee dev :P

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:25 pm
by RedHot

I don't really like the way you are trying to trick a user into thinking that he has to pay for the game first. I was just about to close it when I have seen the small print.

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:26 pm
by baconhawka7x
RedHot wrote:@baconhawka7x

I don't really like the way you are trying to trick a user into thinking that he has to pay for the game first. I was just about to close it when I have seen the small print.
Sorry, that annoys me a bit as well, it's an thing. I'm not sure if I can change it.

Re: Your Ludum Dare 27 Entries

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:56 pm
by FireZenk
Video of levels-update

My entry: ... &uid=27429

But I have a problem.
When I start the game from the command line runs smoothly.
But when I create the .love and run them appear the blue screen saying it has a problem and to contact the author (me)

I think it happens since I use json4lua , this is the code:

Code: Select all

require 'lib.json.json'
jsonz ="levels.json")
levels = json.decode(jsonz)
Is anything wrong?

EDIT: Also tried this solution with other library but the same problem:

Code: Select all

JSON = love.filesystem.load("JSON.lua")()
jsonz ="levels.json")
levels  = JSON:decode(jsonz)
function reload_levels() levels = JSON:decode(jsonz) end