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Re: UnLöve: Zombie Survival [Alpha?!?!]

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 4:23 pm
by Lafolie
qaisjp wrote:really cool :D
maybe make the zombies spawn offscreen and walk in (around the edges) instead of spawning right in the middle. highly unlikely a zombie will fall from the sky. :d
You'd think that wouldn't you? Well, not in the land of Skyrim.

I was once wandering around the Northern plains, minding my own business, you know? Just chilling out, catching some butterflies and stuff. One particularly elusive creature swooped past and I jumped up to grab it and pressed the interact button to catch it. However, my perfectly-timed, perfectly-aimed grab for the butterfly was thwarted. I was immediately confused as to why I was now looting a body instead of reading 'butterfly added to inventory' (or whatever the message is). Either a) I have been abducted by aliens and had my memory of the last x minutes wiped, or b) this game is messed up. As it turns out, my diabolical plan to forever seize the butterfly was ended by a draugr that fell from the sky, dead, near my exact location, and it's trajectory just happened to bring it plummeting across my viewport the exact moment I pushed the button. After taking the 20 gold or whatever, I could see the shape of the blurry draugr behind the menu. I pushed the close button and boom, he finished his dive and hit the ground.

Laputa-esque zombie dive-bombers is perhaps my most favourite of all features in Skyrim.

Re: UnLöve: Zombie Survival [Alpha?!?!]

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 5:48 pm
by Doctory
I really love the game :ultrahappy:

Do you mind if I try to make something like this? You will get all the credit, of course.

Re: UnLöve: Zombie Survival [Alpha?!?!]

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:40 pm
by Lafolie
Huh? Not at all, this game is essentially a poorly written/executed Robotron.