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Re: Русификация

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:04 pm
by thelinx
I've applied the Arch Wiki way of internationalization to the LÖVE wiki. For more info, see the Help:i18n page on the wiki.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:12 pm
by qubodup
Jaska: you can get started with Main_Page (Русский). You will have to add " (Русский)" to the end of all links and use the English language base name. For example: the link [[Getting Started]] would become [[Getting Started (Русский)|Приступая к работе]]

At the top of pages, add "{{i18n|English-Language-Page-Name}}". For the main page it would be "{{i18n|Main Page}}"

Re: Русификация

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:59 pm
by Luiji
Robin wrote:Any reason in particular?
Well, I think the forum thing was explained in my post, because other languages get left out.

As for the Wiki, I think it has been proven viable by Wikipedia.

And you raise a good point that basically every language imports words from other languages.
qubodup wrote:<buttrant>
People with no educational background in English aren't going to have much fun with LOVE, considering Lua is in English and, furthermore, all of Lua's documentation is in English (correct me if I'm wrong, but there aren't any translations).

I have no educational background in German, but I'm still learning it anyway so that I can read the forums.


Re: Русификация

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:40 pm
by vrld
Luiji wrote:Well, I think the forum thing was explained in my post, because other languages get left out.
May be, but on the other hand choosing to exclude every other language forum will exclude people who can't understand/write in English - or do so in only a very limited way. I for once would not post in a Dutch forum, even though I understand it quite well and won't starve to death when dropped off in the Netherlands.
Luiji wrote:People with no educational background in English aren't going to have much fun with LOVE, considering Lua is in English and, furthermore, all of Lua's documentation is in English (correct me if I'm wrong, but there aren't any translations).
Correction as requested:
Programming in Lua is translated into other languages - I know at least of the german version (Programmieren mit Lua) and suspect there is a portuguese one.
The fact that the language keywords happen to be in english does not mean a programmer only speaking French cannot learn those words and their semantics.
Luiji wrote:Fertig
Auch fertig.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:12 pm
by Luiji
I am totally fine with other forums as long as we have LOVE emissaries, people that would reside in the various forums that would also know English and would:
  • Post important information from sub-forums to the English forum.
  • Retrieve important information from the English forum and give them to their sub-forums.
This would solve the problems, I believe.

Also, thanks for the correction, vrld. The German manual might help me see if I can read it. :awesome:

EDIT: "no" to "know"

Re: Русификация

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:38 pm
by Robin
We talked about that already. It would be the role of the moderators.

Re: Русификация

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:41 pm
by TechnoCat
ignore me

Re: Русификация

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:30 pm
by Luiji
Robin wrote:We talked about that already. It would be the role of the moderators.
I know, I just clarified an exact system as to how it would work (even though it was probably already what you were already thinking), along with explicitly agreeing with that idea.