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Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:46 pm
by Robin
Jasoco wrote:Hmm. Can't help you there. I didn't do anything wrong. And I don't know anything about GIT, but if it's that picky and complain-y then I don't want to troubleshoot it. Maybe one of you nice GIT-familiar gentlemen knows. I wouldn't want problems to keep people from keeping up with my project.
Hm, I think I have an idea: Try git gc --aggressive and then a git push. I'll try cloning after that. (gc = garbage collect, so it should hopefully collect the half-deleted objects.)
What kind of problems does Linux have with music?
Mostly silence for half of the time, harsh static at other times. Sometimes it sounds almost right, but it is just wrong. I believe this is a decoder issue or something.
I'm counting on the Löve people to sort it out by the time the game is done, in 5 years or so. So...
Jasoco wrote:
And how do I get out of the editing screen and just go back to where I was?
Just quit and relaunch. It's not perfect, but the editor being part of the whole program has a few catches right now. Some variables don't get removed, other stuff causes conflicts. It's only there for my benefit of making maps easier right now. You can't even delete scenery or place switches and pushables yet. Yet.
Hm, yeah, those are definitely things you don't want around in a final release.

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:24 am
by Jasoco
Robin wrote:Hm, I think I have an idea: Try git gc --aggressive and then a git push. I'll try cloning after that. (gc = garbage collect, so it should hopefully collect the half-deleted objects.)
Done. Tell me if it worked.
Hm, yeah, those are definitely things you don't want around in a final release.
Things will work in time. There's still a lot of time.

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 6:52 am
by Robin
Nope, sorry.

EDIT: other people: can you try git clone and tell whether it succeeded or not?

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:32 am
by pekka
Robin wrote:Nope, sorry.

EDIT: other people: can you try git clone and tell whether it succeeded or not?
Succeeded here. Checking out files: 100% (117/117), done.

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:52 am
by Robin
What version of Git are you running (@ both)? I might be having these problems because I have an old version of Git (

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:09 am
by nevon
Robin wrote:What version of Git are you running (@ both)? I might be having these problems because I have an old version of Git (
Worked fine for me as well. I'm running

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:13 am
by bartbes
I'm with Nevon on this one.

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:35 am
by pekka
My successful git clone was done using git version . (It wasn't my own computer. I have a newer version there.)

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT is hard. Need help please

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:43 pm
by Robin
OK, so it wasn't the version...

Re: My Adventure Game Engine - GIT friendly since 2010!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:12 am
by Jasoco
The latest upload includes bouncing items that will "pop" out of their spawn point to a random location around a small circle. Also, floating text abouve your head when you pick something up. Called "Floaters" like the "Bouncers" above, floaters can be placed anywhere like explosions as well.

Floaters are sorted by Y like everything else.

Currently items being thrown in random directions don't check for colisions with obstacles, but I will fix that soon.