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Re: Managing memory for a ton of pictures

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 3:19 am
by BrotSagtMist
My gimp version hasnt these options.
But it looks like this is a support nightmare anyway so this is may be not the way to go.

Re: Managing memory for a ton of pictures

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 3:26 am
by RNavega
ImageMagick (a CLI tool, has an official portable version that doesn't need to be installed) seems to support converting to .DDS format with "dxt1" or "dxt5" profiles.

The below was taken from this link here: ... 99#p167668
fmw42 wrote: From the format page at
DDS RW Microsoft Direct Draw Surface Use -define to specify the compression (e.g. -define dds:compression={dxt1, dxt5, none}). Other defines include dds:cluster-fit={true,false}, dds:weight-by-alpha={true,false}, dds:fast-mipmaps={true,false}, and use dds:mipmaps to set the number of mipmaps (use fromlist to use the image list).
Have you tried

Code: Select all

convert  '' -define dd:mipmaps=1 -define dds:compression=dxt1 ''
There's some notes on the differences between dxt1 and dxt5 in the Löve wiki, scroll down to "Compressed Formats":