Best way of serializing data for transmission over network interface

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Re: Best way of serializing data for transmission over network interface

Post by steven777 »

nah i had clients and users connected in a few small matches on the old system. code was thrown together to show that i could have multi matches simulated on 1 server. the players weren't coded either man i mean it was just player names running around after logging in and going to a match making lobby. i mean it was crap but the functions where useful in creating the finial iteration of the system. i mean i have 4 versions, 3 are menu testing and log in tests and new protocols. 1 was a working game lobby system that just happens to have a ball move with a player name on top

this is all on 1 machine. I am not running this over my connection at the moment so i can get everything flushed out.

today i coded 500 lines in the last few hours of the new Data center server. holds product registration keys, user name,ip address, currency etc..

my thing with the registration key means you have to buy the game to atleasd play it. sure you could brute force it over the connection but if you do the login server flags your and blacklists you ( i mean you'd really have to spam it before it blacklists ) forcing you to buy another product registration key and a auto reset of the blacklist. so if you cheat imma F*** you lol. When you register the product the main server captures the clients IP address so it only accepts requests from ip addresses it has registered. i also have my lawyer buddies working on getting me started with a company. We arent to long from launching a social media campaign for the game. We have a name and a company...we just haven't put up the money yet. We are working on getting a web site and the company name and some other things before I push to much.

some other security is that in the new network set up the client has no idea where the game servers are or what port to connect to. it only knows the login server. the login server knows the main sever. the main server gives the login server who gives you the location and port of a less populated server. thus throwing you into the correct game and a decent server to play on.

altho i do have one new issue with file saving and i do not wish to write a new topic would you by chance know how to replace a line in a file with a new set of data ? jw. it seems like a bunch of kids run around on this forum and make a muck of questions about nothing i need. i just need a line replaced with updated user data. (data format - x|y|data) so it isnt shit i just cant get the one line in the file to erase.

the game will be finished no matter how long i have to code for it lol
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