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Re: Spellrazor [Demo] 0.3.0 - Rogue-lite meets Defender/Berz

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:22 pm
by DeltaF1
You can leave the option to pay 0$, but suggest a price you think it's worth.

Re: Spellrazor [Demo] 0.3.0 - Rogue-lite meets Defender/Berz

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 11:54 pm
by kikito
I have played with this a bit more and the auto-pause feature makes all the difference. The previous version, with the "peculiar" control schema, was a bit too much for me; I got killed while I was trying to find the right key. Now at least when I get killed I feel it is my fault. Definitive improvement.

I have a couple questions / suggestions:

* The player's "sword" seems to "start swinging" from the same angle every time. Is this a deliberate design? I would expect the angle to be related with the current target and / or what the player is looking at. Something like: if there is a target, start at the angle to that -90 degrees. If no target, current movement angle -90 degrees.
* I think swordmen need a small nerf. Their speed + their invulnerability + relentless attacks is a bit too much. Suggestions: "pushing them back" a little bit (maybe just setting their speed to 0) when they receive the first hit, or making them not able to shoot while invulnerable.

Re: Spellrazor [Demo] 0.3.0 - Rogue-lite meets Defender/Berz

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:32 am
by Madrayken
Hiyo. Thanks for the feedback. You won't believe how little I get...

As for your suggestions:

1) The player's sword is currently the ONLY directional spell in the game. The sword swings from 90 degrees left of your facing direction, and swings 360 degrees to the right of your facing direction. You have just made me realise this is ridiculous. Thank you!

2) The swordsmen are, indeed, annoying as hell. I think a pushback is a great, great, awesome idea. It would also make you feel that many shots had more impact, too. I'll give it a go and see if it ruins anything else. If not, then I'll do exactly as you suggest and stop them attacking while flashing.

3) There is no 3) Great suggestions, and again, thanks so much for giving feedback.

[Edit: all the suggested changes are now in, and will be in 0.3.1. The work beautifully, and the Swordsman is now the correct difficulty level for his level depth. At higher levels he is replaced by Wraith who uses other spells to aid in hand-to-hand combat. If you find him with a Siren, RUN...]

Re: Spellrazor [Demo] 0.3.0 - Rogue-lite meets Defender/Berz

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:58 pm
by Madrayken
0.3.2 now up.
- Lots of bug and crash fixes
- New enemies
- About 20% of the text-ey adventure/hackey thing is now in the console. You will have to solve some of it to progress past level 5!
- Now with SuperGlitch(tm)
- All of the suggestions from kikito are now in the game: knock-backs for enemies with shields

My favourite combo is X, followed by a well-placed W, followed by a Z when it all comes together.
The gamble involved in G is usually good for a tense laugh, too.

As ever, it's in the usual place... ...


Re: Spellrazor (Freeware) 0.9.0 - Rogue meets Defender/Berze

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:58 am
by Madrayken
New version is up. It's pretty much done. ...

Re: Spellrazor (Freeware) 0.9.0 - Rogue meets Defender/Berze

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:56 am
by zorg
I got an error with the new version:
Spellrazor wrote: Cannot compile pixel shader code:
Line 17: error: ambiguous overloaded function reference "sqrt(int)"
[C] in function 'newShader'
main.lua:162: in function 'load'
[C] in function 'xpcall'

Re: Spellrazor (Freeware) 0.9.0 - Rogue meets Defender/Berze

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:58 pm
by Madrayken
Thanks for the feedback. Hmm... that's odd. What OS are you running it on? Anyone have any clues as to what this error would only show up on some machines? The shaders definitely work on all my test computers.

Re: Spellrazor (Freeware) 0.9.0 - Rogue meets Defender/Berze

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:16 pm
by zorg
I'm on Windows 7 64-bit; though i will say that i am not using the latest nVidia drivers (currently on 340.52), because if i upgraded, one of my two video cards (GTX 275) would automatically revert to an older version than what's currently installed and recognized, disabling either nvidia shield or shadowplay for me. I tested it.

Re: Spellrazor (Freeware) 0.9.0 - Rogue meets Defender/Berze

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:35 pm
by Madrayken
zorg wrote:I'm on Windows 7 64-bit; though i will say that i am not using the latest nVidia drivers (currently on 340.52), because if i upgraded, one of my two video cards (GTX 275) would automatically revert to an older version than what's currently installed and recognized, disabling either nvidia shield or shadowplay for me. I tested it.
Hmm. I commented out the offending shader (it wasn't actually being used!) and uploaded a new .love. Would you mind telling me if this one works? I know it's a faff... ...

Thanks again for the issue report!

- Dene

Re: Spellrazor (Freeware) 0.9.0 - Rogue meets Defender/Berze

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:48 am
by zorg
Good news is, it works! :awesome:
Bad news is, i needed to upgrade my drivers anyway so i could play fallout 4... which in turn means two things;
that now both versions work for me, so i can't test the new one out with the old driver, and second, i need to buy a new gpu since the 275 will never work now, which resulted in a halving of the number of my screens :brows: