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Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:38 am
by arampl
This is true for Windows 7 on my machine as well - 100 FPS
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:51 am
by arampl
In my current project I have heavy loaded background process which is executed as coroutine. Coroutine resumed in love.update().
I'm not against drawing at 60 FPS, but I need updating as fast as possible (or at higher frame rate, 125 for example
). Sleeping prevents this.
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 5:48 am
by pacman
I tried to lock FPS to 75. Should work if I can get only 100, right?
Nope, it's ~67.
It's a shame I don't have any restore point of windblowz and I won't reinstall system for this
IMO every game should be turn based
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:51 am
by zorg
pacman wrote:I tried to lock FPS to 75. Should work if I can get only 100, right?
Nope, it's ~67.
It's a shame I don't have any restore point of windblowz and I won't reinstall system for this
IMO every game should be turn based
If you have a love.timer.sleep line (or if you're using the default then try to comment out that line (which might necessitate you to actually copy the function from the wiki first); if you are using vsync to do that locking, you will probably achieve 75FPS.
If not, again, love.timer.sleep is imprecise.
Edit: You do realize that even turn based games are animated, so fps matters there as well, right?
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 7:23 am
by pacman
When I commented sleep() I got 100FPS. Sometimes it skips bit higher.
Checked older project where I had >400FPS and it's capped to 100FPS too. There is no intentional cap or v-sync.
It's hard to say what could make it work like that... I tried to compile program on windblowz so I installed a lot of .net's, sdk's and other "trash"... Maybe that has something to do with the problem.
I'm not keen on using v-sync and leaving this 100FPS cap isn't consistent :F
On Linux without cap I have <300FPS and it's perfect.
The cap method using sleep() is from love wiki and it worked for quite some time
Edit. Simple animation in turn based game can be v-synced 10 times to my refrigerator and transported back in vacuum cleaner - it'll be fine
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:26 pm
by Positive07
Well you could hack your refrigerator and run LÖVE inside of it... it would probably pull more FPS than my PC hahaha
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 3:20 pm
by pacman
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 6:28 pm
by arampl
Try love.timer.setObey(true). Rumors has it that this always helps
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 8:47 am
by pacman
I would reinstall windblowz but I don't have dvd-rom connected and my motherboard is too old for USB boot
That's what happens when there are no problems! Problems!
Re: Capped frame limit for no reason *sigh*
Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:19 pm
by Evine
Check if this program works on your computer. It uses a "while" loop to delay the frame rate.
The "love.timer.sleep" function is cursed I tell ya.