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Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:28 am
by foo0

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function round(n, r)
   local r = r or 0
   return math.floor(n*10^r)/10^r
More appropriate name for that function would be roundDown, because it returns values like this:
1.5 -> 1
-1.5 -> -2

The "classic round" rounds values away from zero when the decimal part is greater than or equal to 0.5, and towards zero when less than 0.5. That's how C++'s std::round does this. It returns values like this:
1.5 -> 2
-1.5 -> -2

Here's a snippet of most common round variations:

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-- "Classic round", rounds away from zero in halfway cases.
function round(num, idp)
	local shift = idp and 10 ^ idp or 1

	if num < 0 then
		return math.ceil(num * shift - 0.5) / shift

	return math.floor(num * shift + 0.5) / shift

function roundDown(num, idp)
	local shift = idp and 10 ^ idp or 1

	return math.floor(num * shift) / shift

function roundUp(num, idp)
	local shift = idp and 10 ^ idp or 1

	return math.ceil(num * shift) / shift

-- Truncates decimal part, leaving the rest of the number unchanged.
function trunc(num, idp)
	local shift = idp and 10 ^ idp or 1

	if num > 0 then
		return math.floor(num * shift) / shift

	return math.ceil(num * shift) / shift

function roundAwayFromZero(num, idp)
	local shift = idp and 10 ^ idp or 1

	if num > 0 then
		return math.ceil(num * shift) / shift

	return math.floor(num * shift) / shift

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 2:24 pm
by WetDesertRock
Forgive me, but why can't 'trunc' be replaced by math.floor?

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:42 pm
by foo0
Because they're not equal. They return the same values if x >= 0, but different when x < 0. Know how each function work and choose one that fits the purpose. If you know that x will always be >= 0, it doesn't matter if you use math.floor or trunc, but for negative x they work differently, e.g.:

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trunc(4.2)       == 4
math.floor(4.2)  == 4

trunc(-4.2)      == -4
math.floor(-4.2) == -5

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:32 am
by HugoBDesigner
A code I wrote to convert frames to quads (a new image in quad format)! It saves me infinite minutes of doing it by hand :awesome:

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	local folder = "glow"
	local newfile = "glow"
	local files = love.filesystem.enumerate(folder)
	local newwidth = 0
	local newheight = 0
	local imagestable = {}
	local n = 0
	for i, v in pairs(files) do
		if string.sub(files[i], -4, -1) == ".png" then
			n = n + 1
			table.insert(imagestable, love.image.newImageData(folder .. "/" .. files[i]))
			newwidth = newwidth + imagestable[n]:getWidth()
			if imagestable[n]:getHeight() > newheight then
				newheight = imagestable[n]:getHeight()
	local newimage = love.image.newImageData(newwidth, newheight)
	for i = 1, #imagestable do
		for x = 1, imagestable[i]:getWidth() do
			for y = 1, imagestable[i]:getHeight() do
				local pixeltoset = {(i-1)*imagestable[i]:getWidth()+(x-1), y-1}
				local r, g, b, a = imagestable[i]:getPixel(x-1, y-1)
				newimage:setPixel(pixeltoset[1], pixeltoset[2], r, g, b, a)
	newimage:encode(newfile .. ".png")
For LÖVE 0.8.0. To use in LÖVE 0.9.0, just replace the "love.filesystem.enumerate" by "love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems"

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 9:13 pm
by HugoBDesigner
Two more codes. One to load quads from an image:

The mode can be "size" (you specify the quads' size - the default mode) or "amount" (number of quads horizontally and vertically)

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function love.getQuads(image, width, height, mode)
	local width = width
	local height = height
	local mode = mode or "size"
	if mode == "amount" then
		width = math.floor(image:getWidth()/width)
		height = math.floor(image:getHeight()/height)
	local horizontalquads = math.floor(image:getWidth()/width)
	local verticalquads = math.floor(image:getHeight()/height)
	local returner = {}
	for y = 1, verticalquads do
		for x = 1, horizontalquads do
			table.insert(returner, {image = image, quad =*width, (y-1)*height, width, height)})
	return returner
It returns a table. Each item of the table is a table too, with the image (table["image"]) and the quad (table["quad"]). To draw, you can just do["image"], table["quad"], ...)

Also a function to merge two tables. Not the most practical function, but saves time and keeps your code clean:

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function table.merge(t1, t2)
	local ret = {}
	for i, v in pairs(t1) do
		table.insert(ret, v)
	for i, v in pairs(t2) do
		table.insert(ret, v)
	return ret

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:28 pm
by foo0
Merge t1 and t2 into t1:

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function table.merge(t1, t2)
	for k, v in pairs(t2) do
		t1[k] = v
	return t1

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:45 pm
by HugoBDesigner
At first I was going to do this, but then came the question: does it automatically changes the original table?
Because if yes, then I'd still prefer mine, because you can make a completely different table with the data of both merged functions...

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 11:37 am
by Robin
HugoBDesigner wrote:At first I was going to do this, but then came the question: does it automatically changes the original table?

Your version probably doesn't do what you want, though, because it merges {x = 1} and {y = 2} into {1, 2}.

What you'd probably want is closer to foo0's version:

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function mergetables(...)
	local ret = {}
	for i, tbl in ipairs {...} do
		for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
			ret[k] = v
	return ret
  1. I renamed it to mergetables. Modifying the standard library is bad, don't do it.
  2. This one handles an arbitrary number of tables, not just two. Passing one makes a shallow copy of it.
  3. In the case of conflicting keys, the last one wins, like in foo0's version.

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 12:47 pm
by HugoBDesigner
Your version is WAAAAY better, thank you! But won't it replace values? Like:

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t1 = {"first value", a = 2}
t2 = {"another first value", b = 3}
mergetables(t1, t2)
--returns {"another first value", a = 2, b = 3}
EDIT: Nevermind. It's written in your post this...

Also, for what I needed my function worked. It was something like this (about the love.loadQuads function):

Code: Select all

local img ="something.png")
local img2 ="something2.png")
local img3 ="something3.png")
local quads = {}
table.merge(quads, love.loadQuads(img, quadWidth, quadHeight)
table.merge(quads, love.loadQuads(img2, quadWidth, quadHeight)
table.merge(quads, love.loadQuads(img3, quadWidth, quadHeight)
It was for a game with an image with quads that didn't fit the 512x512 size. We had to split it in 2 images, and to make things easier I made this function to load and draw both with a single draw:

Code: Select all[frame]["image"], quads[frame]["quad"], ...)

EDIT 2: Can't we make this to solve the problem:

Code: Select all

function mergetables(...)
	local ret = {}
	local val = 0
	for i, tbl in ipairs {...} do
		for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
			if type(k) == "number" then
				val = val + 1
				ret[val] = v
				ret[k] = v
	return ret

Re: Small extra functions

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 2:27 pm
by foo0
You can use table.insert like in your first version:

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function mergetables(...)
	local ret = {}
	for i, tbl in ipairs {...} do
		for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
			if type(k) == "number" then
				table.insert(ret, v)
				ret[k] = v
	return ret