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Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:24 pm
by jjmafiae
Robin wrote:STOP. All of you. This is a thread about davisdude's game. If you want to reply to something in this thread that isn't about "The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog", write your reply carefully, then press and hold backspace until your reply is gone. Then close the page.
understood comrade robin!
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:30 pm
by Automatik
Your game could be the start of a cool game.
Hovered, the character should begin to fall smoothly(like in Mario), and not abruptly.
Also, the graphics could be improved(You should make more different versions of the stars tile, because right now we can see the "pattern"), and when you jump under a block while walking, the character get "replaced" to fit in the block.(The left and right sides of the blocks still collides)
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:32 pm
by jjmafiae
yeah this getting better chuvak
just improve some things
, also is there any story?
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:37 pm
by NightKawata
jjmafiae wrote:yeah this getting better chuvak
just improve some things
, also is there any story?
Do you know what constructive criticism is? Please, google it.
At least davidsdude got a decent amount of posts in his topic from all this nonsense that you started, as well.
Now then.
As automatik said, once you polish up the physics engine, you'll be set. You can pretty much ignore the graphics for now, since those won't be that important for what really should be fixed. (I'm not advocating ignoring graphics at all, rather stating they're less important than the gameplay)
Plus of course, having levels to traverse through and some kind of goal would be nice.
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:46 pm
by jjmafiae
cant wait to see the full game
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:05 pm
by NightKawata
Because you're incredibly annoying and you're derailing the thread again?
Now then. STOP.
This thread is not about whatever personal conflict you have with others. This thread is not about communism. This thread is about a game that a user has created. Leave it at that. Derailing threads is annoying for the OP, and for the people who care about this game.
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:22 pm
by davisdude
Thanks for all the feedback! I really appreciate all of it!
As for the stars, I was just thinking that!
I do need a story, and am starting working on enemies right now!
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:28 pm
by NightKawata
Alright, let me add some more input.
davisdude wrote:NO BUGS RIGHT NOW!
davisdude wrote:Note: You are supposed to go through the ground when jumping up. Mario style
The physics try to correct me when I jump through the ground. First off, that looks incredibly unnatural, and I'm sure this is a glitch.
Second off, when you DO go to add jump-through platforms, you should make them visually distinct from those you cannot jump through, in an effort to not confuse the player. Confusion is something you do
not want the end-user complaining about.
Third, why not add variable jump height or anything along the lines of that? It might make the jumping a bit smoother.
Also, another bug: When I run into a wall, the physics decide to turn the dog into a magnet, and he then becomes attracted to... the wall. Might want to fix that as well.
So yeah. Just polish up the physics for now, add some more variety and such, and you'll be set.
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:43 pm
by veethree
davisdude wrote:
Hmmm... I might have put in the wrong .love.
Oh well, I have an update anyway.
I still get that error, I'm on a mac in case that could have something to do with it. But it works when i extract the files and run it that way.
It's looking pretty nice right now, I dig the little animation. The jumping is a little weird, Perhaps you could implement proper gravity and velocity and such to make it smoother.
Re: The Epic Adventures of Ninja Dog
Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 11:49 pm
by davisdude
Yeah, it's still in beta. I was thinking of making a jumping animation and gravity.