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Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:04 am
by Mud
arquivista wrote:Well seems nice but you did the things in the version without 2nd type of mob.
Switched it to the new version (original post updated).

Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:13 am
by arquivista
Mud wrote:
arquivista wrote:Well seems nice but you did the things in the version without 2nd type of mob.
Switched it to the new version (original post updated).
Thanks, it feels better the trail of bullets fly also to that ugly things! (however still too easy too kill) :D

Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:06 am
by ishkabible
ok 1.04 is now out. new features are...

* frame independent movement (should fix techno cats issue)
* muzzle flash by mud
* health pack items that zombies drop, will be more items later
* fireball shooting enemy's (they need a name) now shoot where you will be will be instead of where you are.
* made it much smaller by saving the image files differently. i use adobe fireworks and it has a special .png file type uses comments to store special information, i got rid of this needless data by saving it as regular .png.

things i am going to add for sure in next update
* items disappear over time to prevent the items buffer from getting too big, also i think there are too many health packs being left one the ground, making them disappear solves both of these issues

thins i hope to add in next update
* some new type of enemy probably a slow tank like zombie or something fast and annoying( ideas on enemy types are very welcome)
* limited ammo and ammo drops(disappear also)
* different types of guns.

Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 4:11 am
by TechnoCat
ishkabible wrote:* frame independent movement (should fix techno cats issue)
Man, thanks. That was fun. It got crazy hard too.

Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:37 am
by arquivista
thanxs, updates were great, good to see health drops and muzzle's fire now in white is so much better now.
but I think now gameplay got screwed. The player dies too fast, only needs almost touch one time mob to die. So have 35 health that drain very fast when health drops only gives 0.5 health, well... :(

the list of future updates is delicious. I suggest too in the updates have some kind of reload delay time when shooting, it would be nice.
ishkabible wrote:
i use adobe fireworks and it has a special .png file type uses comments to store special information, i got rid of this needless data by saving it as regular .png.
yeah, that makes confunsion to people since ever, the way the program's PNG works: you probably are saving normally (save option) and use fireworks for each one of your png's. Well working fireworks PNG formats keeps layers and all other stuff with same extension than normal PNG's and have compatibility that made them be used as normal PNG's. For use them like "normal" plain PNG's u need to export them. So if you continue to open single png's in fireworks and saving normally it will keep adding the work session fireworks data.

So the right way to use fireworks is that you should use a "master" png file with all graphs, put slices that define export area in each of game grafs and in "optmize" tab select for each slice the way you want to export them (png, gif, compression, alpha etc). Also don't forget to give to the slice the name wanted. Then when things are good just export the slices. Probably for this would be easier work with photoshop and don't have the usual PNG fireworks format problem.

Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:38 am
by ishkabible
well i just saved them separately using 'flattened' png format witch is normal no fuss png file. about the game play, i want this game to eventually have levels that stretch out the game play as much as possible. there is a game on Armor Games (flash game) called Midevil Rampage that dose a very good job of this. i hope i can get it to ware it works like this, the trick is having many types of enemy's of varying difficultly so there isn't an over whelming number of enemy's but it still gets very hard.

Re: Zombie Game

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 11:08 am
by arquivista
ishkabible wrote:there is a game on Armor Games (flash game) called Midevil Rampage that dose a very good job of this.
Didn't knew that one, thanxs for showing, so now I will never more play your game :joker:
Game is very enjoyable, nice power-ups, however didn't liked much the scenario, maybe also a bit slow and boring sometimes. Good for Legolas fans. Reminds too me a bit of Gauntlet elf archer player.