Re: jumping tutorial?
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 1:58 pm
That's a nice fish, but toaster doesn't need a fish, but lessons on how to get his own fishes.
I try to help him through example (that's how I learn best, and I know I'm not the only one of nearly 7 billion people like that), and you -1 me. >_>Robin wrote:You know, zac. You could try writing a real game yourself once, instead of complaining about your karma on the forums.(How can someone have negative karma?)
I forgot something in the script I provided as an example: A friction coefficient. Just so you know, all you do is multiply your x-velocity by your coefficient for a nice sliding effect. Thanks for my first ever +1.toaster468 wrote:Update: I've gotten the player to turn right and left depending on which button in pressed. LOVE is the most rewarding programming I have done in a long time, I cannot thank you guys enough
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