Re: Share a Shader!
Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:27 pm
4aiman, I think you would want to draw those things to a canvas first. Then apply the shader as you draw the canvas to the screen.
You could render the scene to a canvas and then send the canvas to the shader. IIRC that's what I've done in Bomb Dodgers (shameless plug). It allowed me to apply two shaders: One to switch the palette and one to use a wave-transformation on the level previews.4aiman wrote:It may be a little off-topic, but this thread has so many people sharing their shaders...
So, the question is: is there a way to somehow grab what was drawn so far and apply a shader to that?
I've tried using shine (and it worked ok) but failed to understand how to make it respect all my scale() and transform().
Code: Select all
local list = {
noise = {
body = [[
p += rand(p, noise_rnd)/(1000/noise_amount);
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {amount = 10, rnd = 1}, funcs = {"rand"}},
waves = {
body = [[
p.x += sin(p.y*waves_amount+waves_time*6)*0.03;
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {time = 0, amount = 5}},
bulge = {
body = [[
np = vec2(p.x - bulge_pos.x, p.y - bulge_pos.y);
a = length(np);
b = atan(np.y, np.x);
a = (a*a);
np = a * vec2(cos(b), sin(b));
p = np + bulge_pos;
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {pos = {0.5,0.5}}},
pinch = {
body = [[
np = vec2(p.x - pinch_pos.x, p.y - pinch_pos.y);
a = length(np);
b = atan(np.y, np.x);
a = sqrt(a);
np = a * vec2(cos(b), sin(b));
p = np + pinch_pos;
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {pos = {0.5,0.5}}},
pixel = {
body = [[
p = floor(p*(100/pixel_amount))/(100/pixel_amount);
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {amount = 4}},
sucker = {
body = [[
a = atan(sucker_pos.x - p.y, sucker_pos.y - p.x);
p += -vec2(cos(a)/(100/(sucker_amount*sucker_amount)), sin(a)/(100/(sucker_amount*sucker_amount)));
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {amount = 1, pos = {0.5, 0.5} }},
insidespin = {
body = [[
a = atan(0.5 - p.y, 0.5 - p.x);
p += vec2(cos(a)/insidespin_amount, sin(a)/insidespin_amount);
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {amount = 1}},
curve = {
body = [[
a = abs(p.x - 0.5);
p.y -= (a*a)*3;
p.x += (p.x > 0.5 ? a : -a)*(p.y/2);
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {}},
rgb = {
body = [[
a = 0.0025 * rgb_amount;
finTex.r = texture2D(tex, vec2(p.x + a * rgb_dirs[0], p.y + a * rgb_dirs[1])).r;
finTex.g = texture2D(tex, vec2(p.x + a * rgb_dirs[2], p.y + a * rgb_dirs[3])).g;
finTex.b = texture2D(tex, vec2(p.x + a * rgb_dirs[4], p.y + a * rgb_dirs[5])).b;
]], externs = {dirs = {1,0,0,1,-1,-1}, amount = 3}},
tvnoise = {
body = [[
finTex.r -= -tvnoise_light + 1 + rand(p, tvnoise_rnd);
finTex.g -= -tvnoise_light + 1 + rand(p, tvnoise_rnd);
finTex.b -= -tvnoise_light + 1 + rand(p, tvnoise_rnd);
]], externs = {light = 1, rnd = 1}, funcs = {"rand"}},
invert = {
body = [[
finTex.r = 1-finTex.r;
finTex.g = 1-finTex.g;
finTex.b = 1-finTex.b;
]], externs = {}},
distortion = {
body = [[
finTex.r = (sin(finTex.r * distortion_amount) + 1.) * .5;
finTex.g = (sin(finTex.g * distortion_amount) + 1.) * .5;
finTex.b = (sin(finTex.b * distortion_amount) + 1.) * .5;
]], externs = {amount = 20}, funcs = {"wave"}},
spinsucker = {
body = [[
a = atan(p.y - 0.5, 0.5 - p.x);
p.x += sin(a) * spinsucker_amount;
p.y += cos(a) * spinsucker_amount;
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
]], externs = {amount = 1}},
circle = {
body = [[
a = sqrt(abs(p.x - circle_pos[0])*abs(p.x - circle_pos[0]) + abs(p.y - circle_pos[1])*abs(p.y - circle_pos[1]));
if (circle_soft) {
finTex.a = 1 - a*2 / circle_amount;
} else {
finTex.a = floor( 1 + (1 - a*2 * circle_amount));
]], externs = {amount = 1, soft = true, pos = {0.5, 0.5}}},
color = {
body = [[
finTex.r *= color_color[0]/255.0;
finTex.g *= color_color[1]/255.0;
finTex.b *= color_color[2]/255.0;
]], externs = {color = {255, 255, 255}}
scan = {
body = [[
if (p.y > scan_y && p.y < scan_y + scan_height) {
finTex.r -= -scan_light + 1 + rand(p, scan_rnd);
finTex.g -= -scan_light + 1 + rand(p, scan_rnd);
finTex.b -= -scan_light + 1 + rand(p, scan_rnd);
]], externs = {y = 0, height = 1,light = 1, rnd = 1}, funcs = {"rand"}}
local functions = {
rand = [[float rand(vec2 co, float v) {
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453 * v);
wave = [[float wave(float x, float amount) {
return (sin(x * amount) + 1.) * .5;
local function getExternType(a)
local t = type(a)
if t == "number" then return "float" end
if t == "boolean" then return "bool" end
if t == "table" then
local t2 = type(a[1])
if t2 == "number" then
if #a <= 4 then
return "vec" .. #a
return "float[" .. #a .. "]"
elseif t2 == "table" then
return "vec" .. #a[1] .. "[" .. #a .. "]"
local Shader = {}
local names = {...}
local funcs = {}
local externs = {}
local header = [[
vec4 effect(vec4 color, Image tex, vec2 p, vec2 pc) {
vec4 finTex = Texel(tex, p);
vec2 np;
float a, b, c;
local bodies = {}
for i,v in ipairs(names) do
local shader = list[v]
table.insert(bodies, shader.body)
for k,ext in pairs(shader.externs) do
table.insert(externs, "extern " .. getExternType(ext) .. " " .. v .. "_" .. k .. ";\n")
if shader.funcs then
for i,func in ipairs(shader.funcs) do
table.insert(funcs, functions[shader.funcs[i]])
extern_string = table.concat(externs, "")
funcs_string = table.concat(lume.set(funcs), "")
body_string = table.concat(bodies, "")
local footer = "return finTex;}"
local final = extern_string .. funcs_string .. header .. body_string .. footer
local s =
for i,v in ipairs(names) do
for k,ext in pairs(list[v].externs) do
if type(ext) == "table" and #ext > 4 then
s:send(v.."_"..k, unpack(ext))
s:send(v.."_"..k, ext)
return s
--check whether a shader has a certain extern
function Shader.has(name, extern)
return list[name].externs[extern]
return Shader
Code: Select all
finTex = Texel(tex, p);
Hey Sheepolution, that looks amazing!Sheepolution wrote:-snip-
Code: Select all
extern Image player;
vec4 effect( vec4 color, Image texture, vec2 texture_coords, vec2 screen_coords )
vec4 texcolor = Texel(texture, texture_coords);
vec4 t2 = Texel( player, texture_coords );
if( t2.a > 0 )
return t2 * color;
return texcolor * color;