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Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:03 pm
by allxumuk
Is it possible to implement parallax layers using one map? Or need to load several maps?

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 4:32 pm
by Kadoba
Yes it is possible. Each layer has a parallaxX and parallaxY value, but currently there's no way for layers to repeat.

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:24 pm
by allxumuk
Kadoba, thanks.

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 3:12 am
by Karai17
Hey Kadoba,

I'm trying to load a map using ATL and I am having some weird trouble. The tileset I am using is 512x512, 16px tiles with 0 offset and 1px spacing. This creates 30 tiles per row. The data in the tmx file is totally fine, I've cross referenced it with an older project that works. The problem is, it seems like ATL thinks that there are 31 tiles per row, not 30, so it starts loading tiles in a zigzagging offset and I just can't find any good reason why this is happening. D:

I think I found the problem. in tileset.lua, TileSet:tilesWide() and TileSet:tilesHeight() should be floor, not ceil. When calculating my tileset (512px, 1 spacing) it eventually comes out to 511 / 17 which is 30.05~, and that should end up as 30, not 31.

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:55 pm
by NiliusJulius
So I have been testing several things with ATL. I found ATL today and I must say I like it a lot.

What I would like to know however is the following:
Is it possible to see if a tile has an object 'on top' of it?

For example, I have a tile layer and I want to know from that specific tile if a polygon is covering that tile.
Is there an easy way to do this?

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:39 am
by ColourTheory
What happened to it, I can't download it?

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:41 am
by Karai17
ColourTheory wrote:What happened to it, I can't download it?

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:44 am
by ColourTheory
Is there a place where I can see instructions on how to use it?

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:51 am
by Karai17
Same place. read the "Quick Example" for a brief rundown. Also, check out some of the examples, and even read through this thread.

Re: Advanced Tiled Loader - Updated to 0.12.1!

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 9:08 am
by NiliusJulius
NiliusJulius wrote:So I have been testing several things with ATL. I found ATL today and I must say I like it a lot.

What I would like to know however is the following:
Is it possible to see if a tile has an object 'on top' of it?

For example, I have a tile layer and I want to know from that specific tile if a polygon is covering that tile.
Is there an easy way to do this?
Could anyone help with this?