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Re: Battle Cry v0.1.2

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 2:45 pm
by Kasperelo
Nice game! Like the graphics!

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.2

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:06 pm
by kikito

Next version is coming up nicely - the camera system works, and the perspective also (kinda) works. I believe I'll have a new version soon!

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.2

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 3:58 pm
by josefnpat
I've been pulling randomly from the repo every so often to check out progress. Can't wait for this to be in a playable state.

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.3 - Depth, Camera, Ghost!

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 9:34 pm
by kikito
Version 0.1.3 is out!

  • There is a camera system now (as announced in another thread). Move the character around and you will see the scroll follow him.
  • The tiles have been reduced from 32x32 to 16x16
  • They have also some "depth" now. I'm not 100% happy with how this is implemented (I might want to draw things taller than 16px). Right now I'm thinking about separating the tiles into two parts: floors and walls.
  • There is a new body type: the ghost! It flies, and it can go through walls. Thanks Kadoba for the art!
I'd like to have something playable soon, but for that, collision detection between beings is kinda needed. I'm going to start reading bibliography and code on the subject. :neko: In the meantime, enjoy the new graphics!

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.3 - Depth, Camera, Ghost!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:06 am
by Nixola
The ghost got stuck in the wall, unable to see me...

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.3 - Depth, Camera, Ghost!

Posted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:13 am
by kikito
Yup. Right now ghost get "blind" when they go into a wall - which kinda makes sense.

I might change this to ignore the current body's cell on the line of sight algorithm, but I'm not sure yet. Probably it will be easier to give them an AI that "moves around" when idle - preferably avoiding opaque walls.

Another thing I'd like to change is visibility. It woudl be very cool if walls got "transparent" when they had a being "hidden behind" them. But in order to do this, I must separate ground and walls.

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.3 - Depth, Camera, Ghost!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:50 pm
by Kasperelo
Did you stop working on it? Shame, it looked pretty nice :)

Re: Battle Cry v0.1.3 - Depth, Camera, Ghost!

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:23 pm
by kikito
Well, yes ... but for a good reason! This was done with a previous version of bump (1.0 if I remember correctly) and it had some issues. I started a journey to fix bump, which finished with bump 3.x. But that journey took more than 1 year. After it, I found it difficult to revisit my old idea.

But don't worry too much. I keep "redoing" this kind of game. The whole "bodies + brains + senses + world" is my thing.