Re: help with collisions
Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:05 am
ok i tried returning the values of world:move and it kind of works though there's one problem
(here's my love file) this section of code:
specifically this line:
only returns two collsion tables:
collided with table: 0x0d82b440
collided with table: 0x0d820738
which I'm guessing is where i spawn in; what i need is for this to continually loop but not interrupt the rest of the code
can you help?
(here's my love file) this section of code:
Code: Select all
for i=1,len do
local other_ = cols[i].other
if other_.isCoin then
elseif other_.isExit then
elseif other_.isSpring then
print('collided with ' .. tostring(cols[i].other))
Code: Select all
print('collided with ' .. tostring(cols[i].other))
collided with table: 0x0d82b440
collided with table: 0x0d820738
which I'm guessing is where i spawn in; what i need is for this to continually loop but not interrupt the rest of the code
can you help?