Problem with Libraries

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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by trubblegum »

You would need to check for collisions with platforms, rather than just the floor.

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local floor = false
for i, platform in pairs(platforms) do
   floor = collide(ball, platform)
if floor then ball.y = floor.y else ball.y = ball.y + (256 * dt) end
Wisdom regarding how to check collisions is manyfold and plentious, but here's a really simple procedure :

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function withinrect(pos, rect)
  return pos.x > rect.x and pos.x < rect.x + rect.w and pos.y > rect.y and pos.y < rect.y + rect.h
function collide(object, platform)
   if withinrect(object, platform) then return platform else return false end
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by YGOFreak1997 »

Oh yes, thats a good time to ask i think. What is a for-loop?
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by tentus »

YGOFreak1997 wrote:Oh yes, thats a good time to ask i think. What is a for-loop?
Essentially, you repeat a section of code until a condition is true.

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x = 0
for i=1, 50 do
   x = x + 1
print(x)   -- you'll get 50, because the above loop happened 50 times.
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by YGOFreak1997 »


I tried it out, but something weird happens, it doesnt stop counting ^^ Here's my code:

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function love.load()
	x = 0

function love.update(dt)
	for i=1, 50 do
		x = x + 1

function love.draw(), 100, 100)


In the last two functions you posted, you define "object" and "platform" as arguments. What "Type" are they?
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by Nixola »

love.update(), like love.draw(), is run every frame, so the loop will run once per frame, so you'll have X increasing by 50 every frame
lf = love.filesystem
ls = love.sound
la =
lp = love.physics
lt = love.thread
li = love.image
lg =
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by trubblegum »

YGOFreak1997 wrote:In the last two functions you posted, you define "object" and "platform" as arguments. What "Type" are they?
First of all, and very importantly, I never defined object or platform in my code.
A definition defines something (a variable or function), and because I never declared either variable, neither are defined. You don't know what they are, and neither does the interpreter (the program, if you like)

It is assumed from the indices (or keys) used in withinrect that :
- object is of type table and contains at least numbers x, y as in :

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object = {x = 256, y = 256}
- platform is of type table and contains at least numbers x, y, w, h as in :

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platform= {x = 128, y = 0, w = 256, h = 32}
And platforms is an array (a base-1 linear-number-indexed table, sometimes called non-dictionary or auto-indexed) containing instances of the platform table, or at least tables which contain platform's minimum set of values.
It could be initialized with :

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platforms = {} -- global platforms, an empty table

function newplatform() return {x = 128, y = 0, w = 256, h = 32} end -- a function which defines a new table and returns it

love.load = function()
   i = 1
   while i <= 10 do
      platforms[i] = newplatform() -- an index for a new platform in platforms, and a new platform as its value
      i = i + 1
Of course, all the platforms returned by newplatform() have the same position and dimensions, so you will want to pass it some arguments to get the platforms you want.
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by YGOFreak1997 »

And, for example, i could randomly spawn new platforms with the help of hump.timer and call the newPlatform function for example ever 0.1 seconds at a random position.

And also, if there are many platforms, and that is the case in a platformer ^^, how can i look if ANY platform collides with my chraracter? Can i check the whole array/table if it collides with my character?
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by trubblegum »

YGOFreak1997 wrote:And, for example, i could randomly spawn new platforms with the help of hump.timer and call the newPlatform function for example ever 0.1 seconds at a random position.
I don't see why you wouldn't make them all at the same time, but sure.
And also, if there are many platforms, and that is the case in a platformer ^^, how can i look if ANY platform collides with my chraracter? Can i check the whole array/table if it collides with my character?
How did you go through platforms and assign its elements?

You should probably learn a little about programming before trying to write a program.
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by YGOFreak1997 »

Why does everybody say things like this to me? Am I so bad? I just wanted to male little theory how to approach my programming in this game. With my first thought, i would randomly place platforms in front of my character, but still outside the screen, so that it looks like they randomly spawn there. And whats wrong with my second question? I think you have to look if your character collides with any platform, don't you? I understand the basics of lua and LÖVE and I also read a few Tutorials. And now I just wanna make a little game ^^
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Re: Problem with Libraries

Post by trubblegum »

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