raidho36 wrote:It's a figure of speech
No, "you're stupid" is not a figure of speech. "You're just muddying the waters" is a figure of speech. "That's a complete heap of horse manure" is a figure of speech. "You're stupid" is completely literal. Go ahead, say I'm just arguing semantics, but it's simply not true.
describing situation of users issuing invalid commands whereupon the underlying library has to rectify the problem.
Except that isn't the situation being discussed. The user is not "issuing invalid commands" when they're using the API exactly as described in the documentation and their code works as expected.
people using the library are expected to browse the source code for detailed information
Do you mean
you expect them to browse the source code, or are you speaking for someone else? If you're speaking for someone else, can you cite your reference? I certainly don't expect Love users to do that, for a few reasons: I see no evidence that any significant portion of Love users do it now, I see plenty of evidence to the contrary, and I don't see any recommendation that they should do that posted anywhere prominently.
case in point, up until recently, pages describing some physics functions had wrong argument descriptions
Yes, the majority of the love.physics docs are (were?) woefully inaccurate. I definitely had to consult the source many times on love.physics. Even so, I don't think that's a reason to expect everyone else to do so; in fact love.physics doesn't seem to get nearly as much use as you'd expect it to, and the bad docs combined with general unwillingness to rake through Love source could easily be the culprit.
You are, of course, always welcome to make an exhaustive and comprehensive manual.
Thanks, but I don't intend to do so, and I don't believe I'd need your permission/invitation to do so if I were so inclined.
Regarding fractional values remark, Lua doesn't naturally allows this. If you have an integer indexed array (table) and attempt to get a value halfway between any of the integers by indexing the array with a real number, you get nil.
Completely irrelevant. Lua has a well-defined behavior for indexing tables with fractional numbers; it simply gives the value at that index (or nil if there isn't one). Love's defensive flooring behavior for values that need to be integers internally seems fairly consistent throughout the API, there's no reason users shouldn't expect it, "exploit" it, or whatever else you want to call it, and I don't believe there's any reason not to document it either.