Re: On The Roadside (Turnbased Strategy inspired by XCOM)
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:50 am
Hi there,
I want to ask about the health system. It is quite complicated. Can I enquire about the design reasons behind this complexity?
Recently I have started playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead ( and they have a comparatively simple health system: Human bodies are divided in 5 slots: head, torso, left arm, right arm, left leg & right leg. Each slot has a 0-5 value, 5 being completely healthy and 0 being completely pulped. Things get bad when a slot's value approaches 0. Damaged legs make people walk slower. Damaged arms lower dexterity and weapon accuracy. If they reach 0 they can't heal without a sling. There is also an independent "pain" indicator. A person suffering acute pain (even if his 5 slots are ok. He might be drugged, etc) performs worse in general.
This system allows for meaningful decisions: with only one medikit, you must choose between healing your leg, to run faster, or an arm, for steadier shots. Or maybe just your head, to alleviate the pain indicator.
There is a complementary clothing/armor system. So each piece of clothing has 3 stats: protection against damage, against cold, and encumberment. So you for example you have to decide between wearing hiking boots, (with little encumberance, high armor, but low temperature protection), and winter boots (very good against cold, but encumbering and not as good armor-wise). This ties to the previous example: if you have highly protective boots you might be inclined to heal your arms before your legs.
I find that this approach, with several "shallow" but interconnected systems, provide complexity and emergence, while remaining easier to understand, than fewer, "deeper" systems. Are you sure you are not doing simulation for simulation sake?
I want to ask about the health system. It is quite complicated. Can I enquire about the design reasons behind this complexity?
Recently I have started playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead ( and they have a comparatively simple health system: Human bodies are divided in 5 slots: head, torso, left arm, right arm, left leg & right leg. Each slot has a 0-5 value, 5 being completely healthy and 0 being completely pulped. Things get bad when a slot's value approaches 0. Damaged legs make people walk slower. Damaged arms lower dexterity and weapon accuracy. If they reach 0 they can't heal without a sling. There is also an independent "pain" indicator. A person suffering acute pain (even if his 5 slots are ok. He might be drugged, etc) performs worse in general.
This system allows for meaningful decisions: with only one medikit, you must choose between healing your leg, to run faster, or an arm, for steadier shots. Or maybe just your head, to alleviate the pain indicator.
There is a complementary clothing/armor system. So each piece of clothing has 3 stats: protection against damage, against cold, and encumberment. So you for example you have to decide between wearing hiking boots, (with little encumberance, high armor, but low temperature protection), and winter boots (very good against cold, but encumbering and not as good armor-wise). This ties to the previous example: if you have highly protective boots you might be inclined to heal your arms before your legs.
I find that this approach, with several "shallow" but interconnected systems, provide complexity and emergence, while remaining easier to understand, than fewer, "deeper" systems. Are you sure you are not doing simulation for simulation sake?