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Re: Content Redacted. Please Delete Thread.

Post by Positive07 »

So basically you can't take any critics? Okay...
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Re: Content Redacted. Please Delete Thread.

Post by Centauri Soldier »

If you mean "criticism", it's a bit more complicated than that and I'd rather not go into it; however, your attitude is a good example of what I mean by negativity. Being a musician and an artist, I respond well to both negative and positive criticism so long as it's constructive. That being said. non-constructive criticism is of no use to me and even less so when it is presented in a petulant manner from a stance of nescience. I'll speak no more on the issue, think and say whatever else you please.

For anyone seeking updates, please refer to the github page. Thanks again, folks.
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Re: Content Redacted. Please Delete Thread.

Post by Positive07 »

Aren't you quite petulant yourself? Not accepting other opinions, deleting your post, laughing at others with memes, double posting.

I suggested not bundling both libraries (.so and .dll) in a single lua files since you never need both of them, I suggested using the builtin file options provided by [manual]io[/manual] and [wiki]love.filesystem[/wiki], I told you that a library that has the same size as LÖVE is somewhat big, I told you I didn't see much use on using databases in LÖVE (it may be useful in general Lua and specially OpenResty), I told you that most of the time people bundle dll and so files for distribution so making a library just for this may not be that useful.

None of this is non-constructive, it is negative, but I think you can use this well, improving your library so that it only boundles the dll or so file but not both, not sure how, using [manual]io[/manual] and [wiki]love.filesystem[/wiki] instead of base64 string, reducing the size of the library minimizing, gzipping or something (LÖVE provides [wiki]love.math.compress[/wiki]), you could post your library in other forums that target Lua in general and OpenResty, see how your library works with other platforms appart from LÖVE since this isn't probably your main market...

Also if you want people to be nice to you be nice to them, as I said the meme or whatever was unnecessary, I was pointing out that the library is heavy, it can not even be looked at in GitHub because of the size, it has the same size as LÖVE, I'm not short of HDD space, but I haven't seen libraries this heavy here in the forums, even games tend to be way smaller than that... That is the reason I pointed it out, plus this library will generate a new 2MB file in the user disk so it actually consumes 4MB...

Pointing out that double posting is bad is also constructive feedback, you MUST read the forum rules before posting, so I was pointing it out

Well whatever if you think my criticism is bad or non-constructive is your problem, but you are damaging your reputation by deleting your post, you are destroying the little user base you may have for this library and you are being totally non-constructive with your attitude.
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Re: Content Redacted. Please Delete Thread.

Post by PiFace »

So... I've just found this thread and this library, but I don't understand how to access data from an offline database file. I have a db with 2 tables and ~100 entries each (~3k entries in the future, these initial 100 are for testing purposes) and I need to know what should I write into the code, even for simples tests (like printing one of the records inside the .db file). the example given on github only shows how to create tables, but not how to read them. Could anyone help?
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Re: Content Redacted. Please Delete Thread.

Post by raidho36 »

What you're looking for is a general sqlite tutorial. Try this place for starters.

Also, when documentation is not available, you just browse the source code.
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