What's your Lua/Love setup ?

General discussion about LÖVE, Lua, game development, puns, and unicorns.
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by undef »

josefnpat wrote:
undef wrote:":wall |!love ."
This is nice - TIL <3
Actually ":wa" is the same as ":wall", but I kind of got used to ":wall".
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by Madrayken »

I've not used anything without a debugger since 1998! For that reason I use Zerobrane - I think it's the only option with debugging?

(And if I didn't care about that, I'd move to Moonscript)
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by davisdude »

Well, since everyone else is chiming in, I guess I'll throw mine in here too.

I use Vim, with a couple different LOVE-specific options. I've written a couple of plugins as well that I'll advertise.

- vim-love-docs:Vim syntax highlighting and helpfile for LÖVE. Allows me to type ":help love.graphics.draw" for example, and get the wiki entry for love.graphics.draw. Also colors LÖVE functions special colors.
- love-launch: Use Alt-L to launch LÖVE. I personally use ,r. It searches up the directory of the currently active file to run, allowing you to work on multiple projects at a time.
- syntastic: Syntax checking. I have it check on save.

edit: to clarify, I did not write syntastic
Last edited by davisdude on Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by bartbes »

davisdude wrote: - vim-love-docs:Vim syntax highlighting and helpfile for LÖVE. Allows me to type ":help love.graphics.draw" for example, and get the wiki entry for love.graphics.draw. Also colors LÖVE functions special colors.
Oh that's way more advanced than what I've been using!
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by Inny »

davisdude wrote:- vim-love-docs:Vim syntax highlighting and helpfile for LÖVE. Allows me to type ":help love.graphics.draw" for example, and get the wiki entry for love.graphics.draw. Also colors LÖVE functions special colors.
- love-launch: Use Alt-L to launch LÖVE. I personally use ,r. It searches up the directory of the currently active file to run, allowing you to work on multiple projects at a time.
- syntastic: Syntax checking. I have it check on save.
These are awesome sounding, will they work with Pathogen? My general workflow is to just clone the respective plugin's repo and then pull it when I want to update things.
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by davisdude »

bartbes wrote:Oh that's way more advanced than what I've been using!
I like it a lot, personally. I got the idea from @josefnpat
Inny wrote:These are awesome sounding, will they work with Pathogen?
Yes, I use Pathogen and they all work for me.

Also, just to clarify my above post, I did not write syntastic, I just use it.
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Re: What's your Lua/Love setup ?

Post by paulclinger »

Plu wrote:I use ZeroBrane studio for all my editing and running. Don't think I've changed any settings. It's quite nifty, although there seems to be a bug in the Ubuntu version, which crashes a lot when I switch project directories :(
@Plu, I missed this message earlier, but if you still have troubles with crashes on switching project directories on Ubuntu, try a newer version of ZeroBrane Studio (1.40 or 1.50) as I expect it to be fixed in 1.40+. Let me know if you still seeing crashes on those versions. Thanks. Paul.
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