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Re: What motivates you ?

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:55 pm
by MachineCode
Have you guys been looking at that programmer that wrote Stardew Valley? He did the whole project solo over 4 years with tools much less capable than Love. It just shows that if you have a good idea even solo you can do something great. Stardew Valley has sold over 500k units since release - which means $7.5M or so in revenue. A 2D game that looks like a 1980's retro is a hit in 2016! That's not bad for 4 years work - even if it was a tough grind.

Re: What motivates you ?

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 3:44 am
by ghostrunners
So I am having the same issue about motivation, so I decided to reconsider what type of gamer I am. ... er-are-you

The answer was very revealing, and now I'm motivated to build the type of games I actually [forgot that I] like to play.