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Re: Pinball

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:53 pm
by kbmonkey
Hello all!

I have released the next version!

* Faster flipper movement. Now we are playing!
* Get more points when hitting targets and completing missions.
* A better layout: the ramps are now symmetrical, more fluid play.
* Highlight the status bar while the ball saver (safe mode) is on.
* Music! Thanks goes to `Beyond` for the theme song "Supernova Explosion"!
* Music controls on the pause screen, including a separate volume control.
* Bug fix: Reset tilt on first launch. If the previous game ended on Tilt it would carry over to the new game.

V0.2.2.1 bug fix: Fix bug where changing music volume during fade-out crashes.

nova pinball info and download

I would very much appreciate feedback on this release or let me know how you enjoy/hate it :nyu:

Re: Pinball

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 10:48 pm
by qubodup
Very impressive progress, I like it a lot!
  • It's a bit small but I don't dare using fullscreen (thanks for not making it default) because this often screws with the monitor screen and might trap the mouse and might screw up dual-head setup, so I don't know how your fullscreen works but it'd be nice to either be able to change resolution in settings or by resizing. I edited the config to get FHD resolution, which partially is broken in the menu but works fine in the game.
  • Computer slowness seems to slow down the game. In my case: playing and recording at 1920x1080 resolution
  • It's great to have music and sounds. It's not a big problem with the music turned on but some sounds feel too simple and unpleasant on headphones (because they are mono). I added some reverb in Audacity to some and put in , you can get a zip. My changes are cc0/public domain. You can hear the result in the video above. I just wish I had the time and skills to make sounds as good as Space Cadet has.
  • The credits are cool but annoyingly slow. I'd be nice if keypress would bring the upcoming credit piece into full view rather than starting the slow transition to the next.

Re: Pinball

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:55 am
by kbmonkey
@qubodup, glad you like it! Thanks for making that video!

I see what you mean with the menu drawing off-center with your resolution tweak. The images will only scale so much, I suspect any larger will blur them, but the game should be able to assume the native resolution and center the table in the viewport regardless - I will look into that.

Those sounds were generated with sfxr and are the first iteration, no doubt they are gritty and raw, I am going to check out the sounds you added now!

And perhaps I can speed up the credits to flash-speeds when hitting the key.

Awesome feedback, thanks! :awesome:

Re: Pinball

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:10 pm
by DarkShroom
this looked good, but a lot of stuff seems to need to be refactored for the new love version

so far i have got to program to the menu and just beyond

most of the thins that have changed are window->graphics (getHeight, Width etc)... also the blend modes

do we have a guide of what changed at all? why does love change itself so much also?

Re: Pinball

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2017 7:09 am
by drunken_munki
DarkShroom wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2017 5:10 pm do we have a guide of what changed at all?
The wiki has the changelogs -- you can scan through these and look for function changes and other things.

For example this the changelog from 0.8 to 0.9:

The list of versions is here:

Re: Pinball

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:53 am
by kbmonkey
Maybe I will update the code to 0.10 during my holiday :)

Re: Pinball

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 8:18 am
by kbmonkey
Well a quick look at the source revealed this is already fixed, thanks to some patches from Taknamay, I just forgot to create the release.

Here you go, merry christmas ... tag/v0.2.3

Re: Pinball

Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2017 8:25 pm
by Tricky
I've pondered making my own pinball game many times but there's so much physics involved.
Yeah, that's precisely the reason why never ventured into pinball games myself even though I've wanted to create one pretty bad.
It looks simple, but still well-designed. I'll definitely follow this game, as I'd like to see where this project will end.

Re: Pinball

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:26 am
by kbmonkey
@tricky I used the love physics functions and they made it pretty easy. The nova pinball engine is also separate from the game, so you can use it to make your own. There is no API documentation but there is an example that demonstrates everything.

See the example that runs in under 150 lines of code.

Re: Pinball

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:53 am
by Tricky
Yeah, I saw that after I posted that.
Good thing most of my own games are either GNU or otherwise open-source licensed since your engine uses the virual GNUGPL license. ;)
Once my current projects are completed I may try it out ;)