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Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATED)
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:28 am
by shakesoda
so meta
I wonder who is even online this is great
edit: mystery solved, see op
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATED)
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:54 am
by Karai17
This gun is amazing. You're all amazing. What a night.
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #9
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:50 am
by zorg
Had fun drawing; if i had time, i'd try to implement both alpha and blendmode support... but hey, this is already better than flockdraw at least
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #9
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:43 pm
by unek
Another update!
- resized the canvas to 1024x768
- cursor is now local
- accidentally broke older clients
- server is now less permissive
- variable max/min brush/text sizes via server rules
- clipboard support
- ctrl+backspace works
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #9
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:24 pm
by shakesoda
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #1
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:02 pm
by Karai17
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #1
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:46 pm
by alberto_lara
Ok, this is something I haven't seen in a lot of time, nice
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #1
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:10 pm
by unek
thanks guys
Re: PENISDRAW 2 - draw dicks with friends ONLINE! (UPDATE #1
Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 11:43 pm
by Kasperelo
Re: PENISDRAW - draw dicks with friends ONLINE!
Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 1:00 am
by Xugro
unek wrote:my request: please share your custom stuff for automated drawing if you made something cool
Here is my code for pasting images. Works with Version 2. Just add this to the
love.keypressed function.
Code: Select all
if (not text and key=='p') then
local saved_color = current_color
current_width = math.max(current_width, 2) -- does not work with line_width of 1 - I don't know why.
local pic = love.image.newImageData("pic.png")
-- the top left of the picture is below the cursor
local x_off = love.mouse.getX()
local y_off = love.mouse.getY()
-- unek wanted us to limit pictures to 150 lines max.
local x_max = math.min(pic:getWidth()-1, 150)
local y_max = math.min(pic:getHeight()-1, 150)
for x = 0, x_max do
for y = 0, y_max do
r, g, b, a = pic:getPixel(x, y)
-- exclude transparent pixels
if a~=0 then
line = {}
current_color = {r, g, b}
table.insert(line, x_off+current_width*x)
table.insert(line, y_off+current_width*y)
table.insert(line, x_off+current_width*x)
table.insert(line, y_off+current_width*y)
-- reset color
current_color = saved_color
-- reset line
line = {love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY()}