Okay, LuaRocks issue was with wrong set Lua version, I already fixed this in GitHub repository.
Today I made some updates.
* non.graphics.print, non.graphics.printf, non.graphics.draw and methods for drawing shapes are working identically to LÖVE (without support for shearing).
* non.system.getOS is fully working and can return Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, iOS and Ouya. Also, as second return it returns current operating system version
* added non.system.getMemoryUse to what returns current memory use by Java and by native (C) code
* refactored source code and increased performance of calling callbacks
* added back non.java module
* added non.system.vibrate(seconds)
Working on Ouya support. Right now, engone supports it but there is almost no way to get input from controllers.
Small preview what prints some debug values to console and plays musics, draws image and simple text: